Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29, 2009

It's Thursday evening and I'm nice and tired after running around in the cold. It always feels so good to get back inside and feel cozy.

Yesterday, I met with a friend that I had met at the Space over a year ago. Laura is a very talented musician and voice coach and many other wonderful things, including ministering to musician types through her church. We had tea/coffee and chatted for over an hour. It was really fun to catch up with each other. She is very encouraging and supportive of what God is doing with Parable and in my life. Laura connected me, via Internet, with her sister-in-law who is a church planter in California. Linda and I have corresponded by email and look forward to sharing encouragement and advice with each other. I love being introduced to other sisters in Christ. I love hearing their stories of God's work.

After I left Laura, I walked a few very cold blocks in the chilly rain to GCN where I help in the soup kitchen on Wednesday nights. (I'm really going to appreciate spring) Mr. Lou and Vanessa are the staff workers for the dinner shifts at GCN. Our relationship is building slowly. Some of the clients there are getting friendlier since I come by every week. Some of them are really funny. Some are cranky, and some are a little crazy (literally). But most seem very appreciative of volunteers coming to help out. And the staff are very happy to have volunteers!

Tonight I helped with dinner at the PF Coffeehouse soup kitchen. I used to volunteer there most Sundays for lunchtime, but haven't been there much since I first started feeling sick. Instead of early on Sundays, I'll be volunteering for the dinner shift on Thursdays. It was great to see the staff again. And some of the clients remembered me and waved from across the room, made a point to say hi, and a couple even welcomed me back. I met a few of the staff and volunteers from other PF locations. It was an interesting evening. The clients seem to be spunkier on Thursday nights than they are on Sunday mornings. :)

This evening I received a call from my friend Carol, who was having a tough day. I enjoy talking with her, even on bad days. We had a good conversation and I'm very thankful to have her in my life. God has blessed me with many friends here.

Tomorrow I'm going by another PF center to volunteer in their kitchen. This one is called Clinton Sr. Center and is just 9 blocks from my place, so by NYC standards, that's like being just next door! I will talk with them about volunteering on a regular basis, probably on Monday and Friday lunch shifts. I'll also be talking to the director there about how mission teams can better serve them when in town. This center has a container garden area that they could use help getting ready and planted in the spring. Perhaps we'll have a few people on a team who have green thumbs. I can dig and do dirty work, I just don't know much about the decision making on growing things.

There are still friends back in AR who are without power from the bad ice storm. I think the weather is supposed to be warm there this weekend, so hopefully it will melt the rest of the ice. I hope they can get the power back on for everyone asap.

My Mom said they got 11" of snow in Indiana. My sister said that the grandkids were having a great time sledding down the big hill at their house. (I think Sandy did a little impromptu sledding on her bum when she slipped on the snow/ice.) My family all have power, and Sandy's house as well as Mom's are heated partially by wood stoves anyway. They'll be cozy. I'm sure my sister is probably keeping the kitchen warm with her yummy baking.

Speaking of baking... a friend of mine, Jenny, is interested in going to pastry school in the future. Right now, in addition to her fulltime job, she is interning at a bakery. How fun!! She brings yummy stuff to Parable get togethers. Even though I can't have them, they look and smell fantastic and everyone raves about her talents. I'm excited for her and her passion.

My Mom is still having major stomach problems and will be undergoing more tests soon. Please keep her in your prayers for a diagnosis, treatment and cure. And please pray that she and my stepdad will learn to trust in God for everything in their lives.

January is almost over already, but it has been an oh-so-wonderful month so far. I'm finding Joy in the blessings as well as the challenges this month has brought so far.

I pray you are finding Joy in your days, too.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009

It's been such a good week so far, and it's just Tuesday!! Meetings and visits with people are really blessing me lately.

This afternoon, I had a good talk with Mike. It's so nice to get to spend our time talking about positive plans for Parable and where we fit in to the future. God is so good! It's such a pleasure for me to work along side Mike and Danny. We face challenges in the new year, but we're all in it together.

11 of us got together tonight to celebrate Danny's birthday. We had dinner and sweets at 'Max Brenner Chocolate by the Bald Man' restaurant. It's a special place known for its AWESOME chocolate! Danny's having a chocolate-tini with a candy lemon wedge. It was so cute! Happy birthday Danny!

I had a yummy crepe stuffed with spinach and asparagus for dinner.

And then three of us split a plate with a chocolate lava-type cake, fresh berries, a beaker full of melted white chocolate and vanilla ice cream with a white chocolate shell. Here's a picture. It was so good! I'm glad we split it 3 ways since I'm trying to be good about eating healthy. I just couldn't resist some! There was a lot of laughs and fun. This is a great group of friends. I'm blessed.

I know that my friends in NW Arkansas (and even in the Jonesboro area) are getting tons of ice. Some are without power. Some have trees down in their yards. It's very dangerous. I'm praying for everyone to stay warm and safe. And I hope they get power back asap.

We're due to have snow, then sleet, then rain overnight and tomorrow. By afternoon it's supposed to be just lots of rain. My appointments for tomorrow are for afternoon and evening, so I'll settle for just getting wet, thank you very much.

I'm really enjoying my exploration of JOY. I'm finding lots of scripture with all kinds of aspects of the word. Each day in my journal, I'm going to start noting what I experienced about Joy for that day. (Today's joy was spending time with friends and getting some bites of chocolate!) It's going to be an interesting adventure of seeking Joy this year.

I pray everyone is safe, warm and happy tonight. And wish blessings to everyone for the rest of the week.

Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26, 2009

Yesterday, I was blessed with a visit to my apartment from a new friend, Ashley. We had a great time of sharing about how God impacts our lives. It was really cold outside and we enjoyed hot tea and cocoa. After chatting, we headed off to Parable.

It was a fun night as we shared in the dedication of little Colton. We gathered around this special family and prayed for them. Colton was so good during this time and just looked around at us and didn't whimper or get fussy. He was so cute in his little sweater vest and 'little man' clothes. After a message from Frank, most of us headed over to share a meal at a favorite Chinese restaurant. Colton was the star of the show there and we all enjoyed passing him around and making silly faces and baby-talking with him. Even the waitresses kept stopping by to try to make him smile.

Today I met with Debra from Project Find, an agency that Parable has been working with for the past year or so. It was a really good meeting, discussing new plans for 2009 and meeting another staff person, Denice. I'm very excited to share the new information with the Parable peeps and the mission teams that come to work with us. 2009 is going to be a very joyful year for all of us.

I hear there's ice and snow and freezing rain hitting my hometown of Rogers AR today. I'll be praying for the safety and comfort for everyone there. Ice is so dangerous. Not just for driving, but because of the threat to the power lines. I remember a few pretty bad ice storms in my years there.

We're (NYC) supposed to get some more of the cold wet stuff here tomorrow night and Wednesday. It's usually not too bad in Manhattan, but they get problems in the other boroughs, Jersey and upstate NY. I'm thankful for my 'sleeping bag' coat. It does seem like a giant sleeping bag with arms, but it is very warm. And I'm definitely a fan of 'function over fashion'!! The streets can be very cold, but it feels oh so good to get where you're going and to get cozy inside!

I walked past a street vendor today who has slashed his prices on gloves, scarves and hats down to $2. I think tomorrow I'll go back past there and pick up some items at that low price to help him out a little, and then give the items to the homeless. At least that will help a few people out.

Don't forget, if you have any insight on JOY, please send it my way. It's my on-going quest to learn and experience all I can about JOY this year.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 25, 2009

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm working on the computer for a few hours before we meet for Parable tonight. I always look forward to Sunday nights with the Parable family. And we feel very much like a family, sharing joys and burdens, praying for and celebrating with each other. God allows the best relationships between His children. It's hard to explain to anyone who doesn't know Him as Father. I pray that those people will see this special love and seek it.

Tonight we will be celebrating the dedication of Colton Mihelich, the newest addition to our church family. We will all join together in promising to cover Colton and his parents, Frank and Allison, in prayer and to help them raise him in an environment of Christ's love. I'm sure we will all be scrambling to get our due time of holding him tonight. What a happy time!

Yesterday, I had a great visit with my friend Carol. We shared brunch at a favorite diner and then spent some time in her apartment listening to music and talking. Carol is a very gifted musician and composer. It is always a treat to hear her music. She has a Jewish background and I enjoy her stories and her insights about religion. I learn a lot from her about things I have not experienced. She enjoys hearing my experiences having a salvation relationship with Christ. She calls me spunky, and says she enjoys my 'simple' prayers. We are encouragers for each other as we both are challenged with physical problems. We will continue to discuss our understanding of the Bible and what it means to our lives, and just be there for each other.

I have so much to do in the next few weeks concerning media. This is one area that I am not very educated in. I'm thankful for friends here who are very good at different aspects of technology. I'm praying that we will have the time to work together in these next weeks. There is so much I want to share visually. I'm looking forward to improving in these skills.

I'm currently researching 'Joy'. God has laid that word on my heart for 2009. I feel challenged to find the joy in every situation. I know that will be a complex and interesting task, and that every day will be unique. Some days will be filled with happy blessings that will be called joy. Some days will be filled with strife and struggle and it will be an adventure to find the joy on those days. I want to learn all I can about God's joy and how it is supposed to impact my life. (If anyone has input or suggestions on Bible studies, research aids, songs, poems, etc., please forward them to me.) I'm looking forward to following through on this commitment to know more about this part of God and His love for me. I pray I will grow closer to Him, have a deeper relationship with Him, and learn how to better bring joy into the lives of those He brings across my path.

Next week is already filled with appointments to meet, volunteer, serve, visit, pray and share with and for people. I'm looking forward to each moment. It's hard not to over extend myself as I have in the past when there are so many opportunities. Since I am still healing physically, it helps to keep me more aware of my limitations and need for rest. It's the same in my spiritual walk. I get excited and charge on ahead of God sometimes. I need to follow His direction and be more aware of what He is planning for my day and to keep separate the time to rest in Him and heal and grow in His peace. I'm thankful for that (seemingly inconvenient) process that keeps me open to feel His grace.

I pray you find joy in your day, too.

Friday, January 23, 2009

January 23, 2009

It was a nice day in the 40s today, so after spending all day on the computer yesterday, I decided to get out and get some exercise and fresh air. I grabbed my camera and lighter coat and took off for a day of prayerwalking and picture taking.

I stopped in at my favorite juice shop and got my usual - carrot, orange, pear, ginger juice. Very yummy. I also grabbed some tea bags that are supposed to be good for my liver and kidneys. I can use all the help I can get on the healthy stuff! One thing I've noticed about the juice shop is that their sign in the window that tells the hours of operation. Mon thru Sat all say: 8:00 to 8:00. Sunday says: Glory to God. This is a happy place for me.

As I walked down the streets, I noticed that more and more small businesses and restaurants are closing up. It's sad. The street vendors who sell drawings and pictures of NYC have slashed their prices by over half. A 5x7 picture with an 8x10 mat that used to cost $10-20 was marked $2. The guy told me I could have 3 for $5. I almost bought some to help him out, but I don't have any extra money either. Many purse and bag vendors had slashed their prices, too. Some of the bags were $20 and even $10!! (I know that drives some of you women crazy... sorry) A hotdog vendor even cut his prices to $1. (too bad I can't have hotdogs!) There were more people asking you to get your picture drawn, see a comedy show, give change to the homeless, eat in their restaurant for half price, etc. More people asking, less people spending.

As I neared Macy's, I saw a long line wrapping around 3 streets. I asked someone what the line was for. Turns out it was for those free cosmetic giveaways that was part of a penalty to some company or another. Anyway, there were thousands of people just standing in line for something free. It'll be going on for a few days. Whether they need it or not, they will stand there for hours to get some free stuff. As I walked away I overheard some people marvel that I wasn't interested in standing in line for free stuff. It's free stuff, after all!

I stopped in a few small jewelry stores just to look around. One sales guy offered to sell me a $359 ring for $115. He said he was really hurting for business. It was a nice store and a nice ring, but I didn't need it.

I know the economy is bad all over. Everyone is touched by it. Here in NYC, financial survival is intense in the best of times. It just seems that people who live here (those not on the rich end of the spectrum) have a sense of desperation about them. I pray that here, as well as all over the US (and world) people will seek not only answers to material problems, but will be introduced to the best news they could ever hear - the Hope and Future of a life in a relationship with God.

I pray that Christians will take advantage of these tough times to share the strength of God with those who don't know Him. Let us not concentrate on what we don't have (materially), but look daily for the things to share about God with others. When the world measures worth by the success of accumulating material things, it's easy to want to keep away from the subject of how we might be having to cut back on those things and not want to discuss it. However, that is the very issue that we can all share together - our lack of control in the material things. Let's keep talking about what they are and that they don't guarantee happiness. Let's talk about how being fulfilled is not a matter of collecting material things, but gaining a relationship with the Father who gives all good things to His children through His perspective. Please pray for me as I strive to share this message more boldly.

I'm learning more about moving pictures from my camera to the computer, and from the computer to facebook and blogs. Keep checking older posts for new pictures.

This is a snowman that is still frozen on top of 'porch' above the entry to an apartment building. Cute, huh?

If you happen to have facebook, please 'friend' me. I would love to keep up with as many people as possible. It's great see your pages since I can't be near you physically. I'm still learning the ins and outs of facebook, too. Someday I'll have it all figured out... I'm glad getting to Heaven has nothing to do with technology!!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21, 2009

It's Wednesday evening and I'm sitting here with my computer on my lap and my phone at my side trying to juggle schedules, emails, phone calls and thoughts. It's been a busy few weeks so far this year. God is opening so many doors of ministry. And reconnecting me to people I haven't talked with for a while. It's really been great.

I served dinner at GCN (Grand Central Neighborhood soup kitchen) last night and tonight. I enjoy working with the staff there and slowly getting to know the clients. On my way home tonight, I transferred between 3 trains (short rides). Each of the stations had multiple musicians/performers underground. There's not usually as many in these particular stations. One guy was playing a violin, 2 guys were doing some kind of combination tap and river dance on a big board, a woman was singing, and yet another person was playing a type of calypso drums. All in different places, but it was interesting to be entertained at almost every turn. Of course, they were performing for donations and it was cold up on the streets, but I still think that there were more performers due to the economy.

I've been noticing doggie apparel lately. There was a little one wearing a bright blue shiny raincoat with little black rain booties. There was the cutest bulldog wearing a camo jacket with sergeant stripes on the 'sleeve'. Some just wear regular old dog coats and sweaters. And some pooches just tough it out with the coats God gave them. New York dogs are interesting anyway. They have better manners than suburban dogs. Probably because they don't have yards to be territorial over. They are high maintenance, though, in the fact that they need to be walked. There's no just opening the door and sending them outside for exercise or to take care of business. Speaking of which, you have to pick up the 'business' from the ground and throw it away. Since I love dogs so much, I thought about dogsitting for extra cash. Then I decided that walking the dog in inclement weather and picking up poop didn't sound so appealing after all. I think I may just get a pet rock instead...

In the next few weeks, I'll be meeting with the directors of a few of the agencies we (Parable) work with. We'll be discussing the changes they are needing to make because of the economy, and how we can better help them serve. It's been interesting learning about urban ministry and will be more so to learn how to adapt these services to the altering and increased need caused by the changing economy. In the future, an increasing number of towns will become more urban-like. It's important to learn what works best in different situations. There is a little of every ministry that can be applicable to others. I feel like a giant sponge, learning all I can while serving here in NYC. I pray that God helps me to be effective wherever He places me. And I pray that all those I interact with from churches around the country who come to NYC to volunteer will leave here a with an increased understanding of global missions.

Have a blessed week!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

January 17, 2009

Well, it's still cold here. Really cold. My usually stuffy apartment was very chilly most of last evening when the boiler was not working for some reason. Although, it was quiet for a change without the water pipes in my ceiling clanging from the water running through them, I would have traded that sound for the one from my chattering teeth. :) I slept last night in 3 pairs of socks, long underwear and pajama pants, 2 shirts and under 3 blankets. But this morning around 6am I awoke to the sound of the pump motor in the boiler room next door and was looking forward to hearing that clunking sound in the pipes soon. It warmed me from the inside out! When I got up, I even had some hot water for a wonderful shower!

I then set out for a great day in the cold city. I had a nice lunch visit with my friend Jenny. We then stopped in for some food shopping at Whole Foods and then parted ways. I dropped my groceries off at the apartment and then walked over to Barnes and Noble Bookstore for a couple of hours of perusing healthy cookbooks. I came home and fixed a great dinner of steamed fresh green beans with mushrooms and garlic, roasted chicken, a little hummus and a great peach. A little hot tea and my evening was complete! It's been a good day.

I did find a couple of good healthy cookbooks on sale. I may not have a 'real' kitchen, but I'm going to conquer this healthy eating lifestyle armed with a microwave steamer and a toaster oven! (and lots of fresh foods)

I'm excited to know that tomorrow it will be back up to the 30s. That will be a blessing. Still cold, a little snow forecasted, but a blessing. As I was walking the streets today, I noticed the different ways in which people coped with the cold. I saw a huge dog being walked and wearing a nice sweater that I wouldn't have minded owning. :) A mom had her baby packed into a kind of street-warrior type of stroller that's common here. The stroller had a wonderful bunting attached that allowed the baby to peek out of but keep very warm. Other people were bundled up in layers of various clothing. Everyone was just chugging along, business as usual. It's a hearty bunch - these New Yorkers.

I pray that everyone is comfy and content in whatever circumstances you find yourselves in. The measure of what is 'sufficient' is as varied as the expectations of each person. God provides our needs and I thank Him for that. I also ask that He changes my perception to His regarding the 'wants' in my life.

Keep warm and be blessed!

Friday, January 16, 2009

January 16, 2009

It's a little cold today... everywhere! This was the coldest day in NYC for years. We got a little snow yesterday, but not much. The wind is not blowing hard, so the windchill is only a few degrees below 0 at night. I'm thankful we aren't having winter storms. So, even though it's cold, I'm thankful.

I was allowed to work at GCN soup kitchen 3 nights this week. I always enjoy serving there. Even working in the kitchen didn't keep my fingers from getting cold. Those coming in for dinner were bundled up and thankful for a warm meal and a warm place to eat it. The place was packed. As I left to go home, I looked at all the people hunkered down in their coats preparing to sleep in chairs all night. It made me so thankful for my own room and a bed to lie down in. Most of these homeless people at GCN are trying to better themselves and find jobs to get back on their feet. However, with the economy and unemployment so bad here, it makes you wonder if they feel like it's no use. But those I heard speaking about it weren't giving up hope. 'Someday' they will be able to find a job again. I pray they keep their positive attitude and don't give up. I pray that Believers get the chance to talk to them about the Hope for the future that comes from Christ. I'm planning on volunteering there at least once or twice a week as long as they can use me. Maybe I'll get the chance to have more than a snippet of conversation with some of them. The clients express their thankfulness to us volunteers. They would still get fed no matter who serves there, but they acknowledge that someone cares enough to come and help. It's a blessing to be there.

Speaking of GCN (Grand Central Neighborhood) Mainchance facility, I enjoy working with the dinner crew, Mr. Lou and Vanessa, and some of the regular volunteers. Also, it's nice to organize mission teams with the volunteer coordinator Maura. Mr. Lou has new glasses. (that news will make the mission team from Bethel Baptist Church in Yorktown PA happy to know!) I found a new need that can easily be filled, too... GCN 'recycles' cell phones so that the clients getting jobs can use them. I have 2 old cell phones that I'm taking next week. If anyone would like to send along their old cell phones for this purpose, just let me know!

Now that I'm feeling better, I'll be getting back into the swing of working at Project Find Coffeehouse soup kitchen here on the westside of Mid-town. I hope to be able to work there a couple of times a week as well. This is a place that serves senior adult homeless persons. I received an email from the Director of Project Find (they have 5 senior adult facilities) explaining some changes to their programs. They are going to increase their focus on homebound seniors, as well as update their current programs for everyone else. I'm excited to be asked to participate in these programs.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm planning on checking into volunteering in the family waiting room and kid's playroom in the Pediatric Cancer ward at the Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital. It was a great experience last Monday, when I visited with the Allum family. Just being there to play with the kids (we all know how much I love playing with kids!) and just chatting with the parents is such an easy thing to do, but it makes such an impact on these families who are living in a surreal world of illness and treatment. God can take a short time of conversation and make it into a healing encounter. He works in so many ways.

Yesterday, NYC experienced what is being dubbed 'the Miracle on the Hudson'. I cannot imagine going through that ordeal, or even witnessing it. I was on the subway when it happened and didn't know about it till I got to the GCN kitchen. Of course, at first there are lots of conflicting stories. (including that a plane had crashed into a Circle Line Sightseeing boat - but that was because the boat got there so quickly after the 'landing') When we heard the real news, it was hard to believe that an airliner could 'crash land' on the river without breaking apart. And it was amazing that unofficial rescuers were there so quickly, even before the really fast NY First Responders. And that everyone survived with relatively few injuries. It's wonderful that this huge piece of news that is being told over and over across the country is a positive story. It's as if God had the plane in His hand and gently guided it down. I'm so glad that it is something positive for people to concentrate on for a change.

Well, tomorrow is supposed to hit 18 degrees! I'm so excited! I'm meeting a friend for lunch and going food shopping. I may even drop in at Barnes and Noble Bookstore to peruse the healthy cookbooks. That is if I don't freeze into a Popsicle while walking down the streets! But I'll thaw out eventually! Thank you God for my warm NYC coat!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January 14, 2009

It's a cold, January morning and I'm snuggled up in my apartment working on the computer before I set out for an afternoon and evening of helping at a soup kitchen. I don't know how to put into words what it means for me to be able to be here in NYC and doing the things that God has allowed. I get so much pleasure out of it that I almost feel guilty sometimes. I'm very thankful to all who make it possible for me to be here.

The economy is really bad all over. It seems to be magnified here in NYC. This place is so expensive, even for those who are 'comfortable' or affluent. For those just getting by, one missed hour of minimum wage a week can mean a missed meal. Restaurants are closing, others are cutting back on hours. People are looking for jobs all over. Broadway shows are closing. Even the Rainbow Room atop the Rockefeller Center building is cutting back from a restaurant to a bar and laying off servers and cooks until the economy gets better. Everything happens quickly. People are just out of luck. There is no grace period to figure out what to do.

Some of the agencies where we volunteer have had their resources cut and have had to lay off workers. I got an emergency email from the Grand Central Neighborhood Mainchance agency this week for volunteers. They had to layoff workers and needed volunteers to feed the homeless that come in for meals. Now the workers themselves may be homeless in a matter of weeks. It's just that quick.

With the feelings of desperation, comes the hunger for hope. The physical difficulties make the positive things more apparent. Christ's love shines brightest through the darkest situations. People are more aware and thankful for the life touches that they see and receive. It's very important for Christians to be diligent in all the ways, big and small, to let that light of hope shine and be noticed. And then to follow through with the explanation of where that light comes from.

My prayer is that as Believers we are all more watchful for the ways we can touch the life of another, even as we are going through our day wondering how to cope with our own 'disadvantages' and new hardships. Even in line at the grocery store, someone is depressed that they don't have enough money to buy enough healthy food for their family. It's sad to have to cut back. It's hard to tell your kids no, you can't afford some of their favorite snacks. And then there are those who have very little money for food at all. I see people asking for money on the streets all the time. Last night, there was a 30something guy who had just become newly unemployed on the corner who had trained his cat to climb up his clothes and sit on top of his head. He was performing trying to get some money for dinner. You can walk down the streets and see the 'usual' homeless types and not far from them the 'newly' disadvantaged. All competing for the same quarters and dollars to survive. It makes me realize how blessed I am, even though I struggle every month with finances, that I can at least sleep in a warm room and eat at every meal. Lord, please let me not get too used to seeing these people. Help to me to notice them and reach out to them in some way every time I see them.

I pray that for any of you who are saddened that you have to 'cut back' on your lifestyle will put everything in perspective and thank the Lord that you actually have places to cut back from without putting yourself and your families in jeopardy. We are so spoiled with all that we are allowed to accumulate and fill our lives with. Sometimes God needs to pare things down to where we can see how big He really is in our lives.

I'm thankful for the sparse, but comfortable life He allows me to live here in my crazy NY apartment. I'm thankful for public transportation. I'm thankful that I enjoy walking so much, because you have to do so much of that here. I'm thankful for the feeling of belonging to the anonymous crowd in NYC who are going through the same difficulties of existing here. Some of them have never known anything different. It's just a way of life. And there are still tons of things to be thankful for.

I'm thankful for every prayer that is lifted on my behalf. I'm thankful for every provision God supplies for me. I'm thankful for every challenge (even though I whine) to grow and become stronger in my faith.

I wish everyone some special time with God to analyze your life as you contemplate the hardships that this economy is doing to your lifestyle. Make the adjustments God is asking you to make. You'll never feel disadvantaged again.

Glory to Him who has created all and is the only one worthy to determine what is meaningful in each life.

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12, 2009

January is marching on and God is filling my life with blessings every day!

First, I have to share my test results from my Dr appointment last week. I still have a ways to go, but, God is answering prayers in what has changed so far. Thank you for praying!! I've been watching my cholesterol for a long time. Now that my liver is cranky, I've really changed to a specific nutrition and natural focus. In just 2 months (between mid-Oct and mid-Dec blood tests) my overall cholesterol has dropped 41 points (yes I said 41) to a normal level! What a miracle! My outrageous triglycerides have dropped almost in half and working their way to normal. My good cholesterol is almost normal, my off the charts bad cholesterol dropped to normal. One of the two liver enzyme tests is normal now and the other is very close to normal. Can you believe it! All this great change in just 2 months!! I think I should be on a Quaker Oats commercial! Yes, I eat oats for breakfast every morning (with orange juice and a handful of raw nuts). Only God could take what I'm trying to do with my health and make such huge improvements. Thank you all soooo much for praying for me!! And keep sending me recipes and tips for healthy, organic eating.

God has blessed my time each day by bringing people into my life; some I've just met, some I haven't spoken with for a while. So many relationships to invest time in. It's been awesome.

I've met a new friend, Brenna, who just moved here last week to study art for a semester. It will be fun to explore NYC together and introduce her to the people at Parable. She will really fit in with that group well.

There is a wonderful family named the Allums, who were visiting NYC while their oldest son was having some tests done at Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital. Parable was introduced to them through the father of one of our members. We put together a nice welcome bag full of goodies to be in their hotel room when they arrived. A home cooked meal was delivered to them at their hotel Sunday evening. Today I was blessed to spend the day with them at the hospital, to play with the siblings while James Christopher went through his bone marrow biopsy. I learned even more how challenged I am at video games while playing with John Thomas. I got to spend time chatting with Mom and Dad at lunch. I was very happy to play 'Sorry' with Caroline (and a little 6 year old girl hooked up to a chemo IV) while Mom and Dad talked to the doctor. Then they invited me to join the family for a traditional trip to Dylan's Candy Store and then dinner (and famous frozen hot chocolate) at Serendipity. It was a really good day. I will be staying in touch with the family and Parable will continue to minister to them as they come to NYC for further testing and the much prayed for transplant surgery. The pediatric ward at that hospital is awesome. I was given information about applying to volunteer in the family waiting room, and some of us from Parable will be checking into that opportunity. Also, Parable is promoting getting tested to become bone marrow donors (the test is very easy). I'll share more later about James Christopher, and how God is using his illness and the story of the family to save lives and save souls.

I'm really enjoying being a New Yorker lately. Even in the cold and sometimes wet and freezing weather. Living and working here is not easy, but it's so amazing. God is so big. His love is so deep. His harvest is huge.

Thank you for prayers, love and support of all kinds. I'm going to be working on more visual communication in the near future. I want you to see and feel what I do in this ministry. We're all a part of it together.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 7, 2009

Surprise! Another post from me in the same week! I told you I was going to be better about correspondence this year! So far, so good, huh?

This week is already busy with conversations and visits with people. I have the same excitement that I felt when I first moved to NYC almost 2 years ago. I'm so blessed to be here representing Jesus and being allowed to build relationships with so many different types of people. This city is so special and kind of hard to describe. So many people, personalities, cultures, ethnic backgrounds, religions, circumstances... Life here can be hard, both physically and emotionally. You treasure every blessing and try to overcome every challenge. My prayer is to learn from every experience and relationship. And to find a way to share God every time He offers an opportunity.

My 'word' from God for 2009 is JOY. I will strive to find Joy in every situation and experience. I feel God will really challenge me this year. And through the good, the bad and the ugly, I will look for and share the Joy that can only come from Him and that He can make a part of everything.

As for my health, I'm working very hard on living a 'liver healthy' life. I'm feeling better, but still sometimes 'hit a wall' some days and need to take time for healing rest. I still have discomfort in my side most days and am just learning to function in spite of it. One thing I love about living here in the city is that healthy, organic food is available. I'm learning lots about nutrition and trying new things and new foods and recipes. I have a Magic Bullet (personal blender) that I use for juice, smoothies, guacamole (my favorite) and other things. I'm loving it. It's personal sized and it's very easy to wash up in my tiny sink. Just right for me! I still have lots to learn about what my body needs to get and remain healthy. It's a lot of work and takes a lot of time, but I have a renewed desire to take care of this gift from God and to make it what it should be. Please keep me in your prayers for this daily, on-going process. And share any tips and recipes you might have!

I'm excited to talk with my regular doctor (Dr Bioh) tomorrow about my latest blood tests and my new lifestyle.

My new healthy lifestyle includes time management. I have always neglected personal time to take care of myself (physically, emotionally, spiritually) like I should. I make sure that I include time for Bible study, spiritual growth reading, communication with loved ones, etc.every day. Since I love to explore the city, I can combine exercise and 'me time' together when the weather is good. I'm enjoying a women's Bible study with some gals from Parable and I'm reading some really good books on how to deepen my walk with God.

I want to be an effective tool for God to use and that means being healthy and strong and ready for whatever He brings my way. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Speaking of support (the financial kind), God has provided for me in some miraculous ways. Between the missionary funds from my home church FBCR and the personal support that individuals send for me, I still have a sizable deficit each month. (I stopped getting a salary from the411 in early 2008) God has used different people and different circumstances each month to make ends meet. With meeting the $3000 deductible on my medical insurance, and paying self-employment taxes on my support, I have some moments of just squeaking by. This has been a wonderful bonding opportunity with those living here in NYC. Money is so tight for everyone. A lot of people I meet don't have permanent fulltime jobs. It's a scary way to live, but it makes the faith I have in God to provide for me through His people that much more noticeable to those I talk with. I've even had people tell me that they know that I understand their situation, and that they want to know where my hope and faith comes from. What an opening to share Jesus! Anyway, I can't put into words how much I appreciate all the money that many of you have sacrificed to help me here with this ministry in New York City. I pray that God blesses your lives in abundant ways. Thank you for sharing on my behalf.

I will be sharing more stories (and hopefully more pictures) about life and ministry here. I want to you get to know the people who are making such impressions on my life. I want you to love them and pray for them, too.

Please keep the cards, pictures and emails coming. I love hearing from you!

Have a blessed day.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 4, 2009

It's January already! I was not able to get computer access to update my blog for awhile, so I'll catch up on things now.

The Living Nativity went really well. It was so cooooold! Big sloppy wet snowflakes fell and the temp was low. It was uncomfortable, but very beautiful! The hot chocolate was a big hit, as was the Christmas caroling. Tom and Judy from North Carolina were in for the week and they helped all evening by making and giving out the hot chocolate and talking with people who stopped by. Barika and Jane from Parable stopped by to help awhile, too. Some Firemen stopped in and then got called away on a run. They came back after the run for more hot chocolate and conversation. It was fun to hang out with them. Lots of people stopped to find out who we were and why we were doing this. It's such a great way to share the free gift of Jesus with people at this special time. We were frozen and cold, but even got to make a mini snowman with a little girl who visited. Due to only having some twigs for decoration, it looked more like a snow alien, but we liked it anyway! God warmed our hearts and blessed many that night.

We had some up and down weather that last week before Christmas. Plans B and C and D and... were put into place for the volunteer teams, but everyone had a good time reaching out to the people of New York. Besides free giftwrapping on the streets, volunteers also helped serve meals at a couple of soup kitchens, helped with a party at Woodstock Sr Center, helped clean up the space, visited with some special 'homebound' people, prayer walked, visited Police and Fire Stations, and just shared some love with New Yorkers on the streets.

The last few weeks of December were very busy. Having the teams here was a blessing to me, as they always encourage me and refill my heart. Scott Rourk came up from GA to pick up all the 411 stuff (furniture, computers, supplies, materials, just about everything) and take it all back to liquidate. There was also a show going on through Dec 20th in the space, so we had to have everything cleaned up and set up for the show each night. Crazy! Parable did get to share some things with the church upstairs from the space. Pastor Ed said they were just praying about finding some of the things we were offering. He shared how God was working through Parable to bless their ministry, too. (I'm planning on helping their church start a mission program in the next few months.)

As of Dec 31, Parable Church is no longer burdened with the responsibility of the space. It is a very refreshing and uplifting feeling. We're thankful for all the opportunities for outreach that the space provided. And we will continue with the relationships that were established through that outreach. Now we are spending more time meeting with people all over the place. It's so fun (and sometimes tiring!) and a breath of fresh air for us in the ministry. I'm thankful to be able to spend the rest of my time here just concentrating on people. How exciting!!

Pastor Mike got the chance to spend 10 days in Egypt with 2 close friends. After all he has went through in 2008 it was a very welcome retreat for him. People who were out of the city for the holidays are returning and it will be good to have everyone back together soon.

God is providing opportunities for me to meet and share with people in unexpected ways. I'm enjoying that. It will be a busy and rewarding time in the next few months.

I really was blessed by all the cards and letters sent to me for Christmas. I especially love the pictures that everyone sent. Thank you!!! I received some 'Christmas cash' and spent a little on a video camera (love those Christmas sales!) and am saving the rest of the cash for groceries (my second love). Thank you for those blessings, too! Now I can send video back to my home church. (Just got to figure out how it works! ha)

My computer died and I relied deeply on the blessing of the BlackBerry phone (a MS church provided for me) to keep up with emails. I was so thankful for that! A wonderful group of people from a NC church sent me a refurbished laptop, so I can now get on the internet like normal people again. I am so thankful for these special gifts. Join me in saying a prayer of thanksgiving...

For those of you wondering... NO I did NOT go to Times Square on New Year's Eve. Are you crazy??? Standing around for HOURS with no food or drink or bathrooms in the single digit temps with below zero windchill? Not for me! I was cozy at home having a chat with my Lord. :)

I pray that everyone had a wonderful time of celebrating Jesus' birthday. New Years is a good time for reflection and expectation. God is working in my life and He has so many plans and blessings and challenges in store for me. Please join me in praying for clear direction and discernment of His plans.

I'll try to get more pics of NYC in winter and post them here on the blog. I just need to get the right software put on this computer and get organized. I promise to be better at correspondence in 2009!!

Blessings to you all!!