Friday, January 23, 2009

January 23, 2009

It was a nice day in the 40s today, so after spending all day on the computer yesterday, I decided to get out and get some exercise and fresh air. I grabbed my camera and lighter coat and took off for a day of prayerwalking and picture taking.

I stopped in at my favorite juice shop and got my usual - carrot, orange, pear, ginger juice. Very yummy. I also grabbed some tea bags that are supposed to be good for my liver and kidneys. I can use all the help I can get on the healthy stuff! One thing I've noticed about the juice shop is that their sign in the window that tells the hours of operation. Mon thru Sat all say: 8:00 to 8:00. Sunday says: Glory to God. This is a happy place for me.

As I walked down the streets, I noticed that more and more small businesses and restaurants are closing up. It's sad. The street vendors who sell drawings and pictures of NYC have slashed their prices by over half. A 5x7 picture with an 8x10 mat that used to cost $10-20 was marked $2. The guy told me I could have 3 for $5. I almost bought some to help him out, but I don't have any extra money either. Many purse and bag vendors had slashed their prices, too. Some of the bags were $20 and even $10!! (I know that drives some of you women crazy... sorry) A hotdog vendor even cut his prices to $1. (too bad I can't have hotdogs!) There were more people asking you to get your picture drawn, see a comedy show, give change to the homeless, eat in their restaurant for half price, etc. More people asking, less people spending.

As I neared Macy's, I saw a long line wrapping around 3 streets. I asked someone what the line was for. Turns out it was for those free cosmetic giveaways that was part of a penalty to some company or another. Anyway, there were thousands of people just standing in line for something free. It'll be going on for a few days. Whether they need it or not, they will stand there for hours to get some free stuff. As I walked away I overheard some people marvel that I wasn't interested in standing in line for free stuff. It's free stuff, after all!

I stopped in a few small jewelry stores just to look around. One sales guy offered to sell me a $359 ring for $115. He said he was really hurting for business. It was a nice store and a nice ring, but I didn't need it.

I know the economy is bad all over. Everyone is touched by it. Here in NYC, financial survival is intense in the best of times. It just seems that people who live here (those not on the rich end of the spectrum) have a sense of desperation about them. I pray that here, as well as all over the US (and world) people will seek not only answers to material problems, but will be introduced to the best news they could ever hear - the Hope and Future of a life in a relationship with God.

I pray that Christians will take advantage of these tough times to share the strength of God with those who don't know Him. Let us not concentrate on what we don't have (materially), but look daily for the things to share about God with others. When the world measures worth by the success of accumulating material things, it's easy to want to keep away from the subject of how we might be having to cut back on those things and not want to discuss it. However, that is the very issue that we can all share together - our lack of control in the material things. Let's keep talking about what they are and that they don't guarantee happiness. Let's talk about how being fulfilled is not a matter of collecting material things, but gaining a relationship with the Father who gives all good things to His children through His perspective. Please pray for me as I strive to share this message more boldly.

I'm learning more about moving pictures from my camera to the computer, and from the computer to facebook and blogs. Keep checking older posts for new pictures.

This is a snowman that is still frozen on top of 'porch' above the entry to an apartment building. Cute, huh?

If you happen to have facebook, please 'friend' me. I would love to keep up with as many people as possible. It's great see your pages since I can't be near you physically. I'm still learning the ins and outs of facebook, too. Someday I'll have it all figured out... I'm glad getting to Heaven has nothing to do with technology!!


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