Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009

It's been such a good week so far, and it's just Tuesday!! Meetings and visits with people are really blessing me lately.

This afternoon, I had a good talk with Mike. It's so nice to get to spend our time talking about positive plans for Parable and where we fit in to the future. God is so good! It's such a pleasure for me to work along side Mike and Danny. We face challenges in the new year, but we're all in it together.

11 of us got together tonight to celebrate Danny's birthday. We had dinner and sweets at 'Max Brenner Chocolate by the Bald Man' restaurant. It's a special place known for its AWESOME chocolate! Danny's having a chocolate-tini with a candy lemon wedge. It was so cute! Happy birthday Danny!

I had a yummy crepe stuffed with spinach and asparagus for dinner.

And then three of us split a plate with a chocolate lava-type cake, fresh berries, a beaker full of melted white chocolate and vanilla ice cream with a white chocolate shell. Here's a picture. It was so good! I'm glad we split it 3 ways since I'm trying to be good about eating healthy. I just couldn't resist some! There was a lot of laughs and fun. This is a great group of friends. I'm blessed.

I know that my friends in NW Arkansas (and even in the Jonesboro area) are getting tons of ice. Some are without power. Some have trees down in their yards. It's very dangerous. I'm praying for everyone to stay warm and safe. And I hope they get power back asap.

We're due to have snow, then sleet, then rain overnight and tomorrow. By afternoon it's supposed to be just lots of rain. My appointments for tomorrow are for afternoon and evening, so I'll settle for just getting wet, thank you very much.

I'm really enjoying my exploration of JOY. I'm finding lots of scripture with all kinds of aspects of the word. Each day in my journal, I'm going to start noting what I experienced about Joy for that day. (Today's joy was spending time with friends and getting some bites of chocolate!) It's going to be an interesting adventure of seeking Joy this year.

I pray everyone is safe, warm and happy tonight. And wish blessings to everyone for the rest of the week.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you all had a fabulous time. I'm so sorry to have missed it.

John and Maria said...

i LOVE the concept of JOY. :) i was reading in 1 peter 1 last night and got to verse 8..."greatly rejoicing with joy inexpressible..." as a part of an "artist" church now i often have the desire to create art as a means of expressing thought and well...God did not make me an artist! but i was praying over these beautiful words and got to thinking about how GOD is the Artist and I am the creation and rather than wistfully wishing I could create i should rather rejoice and live FULL of JOY as the Masterpiece that God has created and set free to live as a reflection of Him. it was a sweet and fulfilling revelation of His grace in my life, and now i don't feel so bad about not being an artist. ;) hope that thought encourages you in some way today. much love and prayers!