Thursday, April 16, 2009

April 16, 2009

Wow! It's been almost a week since I've posted. Time is flying by!

I've spent a lot of time studying, reading, praying and resting. I continue to deal with my health even when I'm being extremely 'good'. Don't understand, but I accept it. It reminds me that I'm not in control of my life, God is. But even though I can't always make things go my way, I can rejoice and trust in Him to know what is best, and to have the right plan for me. There is JOY in having faith.

I had a wonderful, personal Easter. I was too ill to go to church that morning, and that made me sad, but I had a very special time with Jesus right here in my apartment. Mike came by in the afternoon to pick up Nita and we had a nice visit. We don't seem to get enough time to talk these days, but that's life in the city... always busy. Anyway, sweet Nita went home and I missed her. But I had a wonderful time with my Lord.

I served lunch on Monday, and perhaps people were hung over on too much Easter chocolate, but there seemed to be an edge in some interactions. I know I was ready for a nap when I got home, and I didn't even eat chocolate! ha!

The weather has remained chilly, overcast and damp. Is spring ever going to appear? Maybe I'm anxious for it because I remember when I moved here 2 years ago (May 8) it was an awesome, sunny spring day. I want to see the city dressed for spring again!

I've been spending a lot of time praying about my walk with the Lord. I want to be obedient, humble, faithful and reverent to my Lord. There are so many ways and situations in which to honor, serve and share Him. I just pray that I give myself to Him each day. Thank you for praying that for me.

Like many others, I mailed off my tax return yesterday. ugh! Since I'm a self-employed missionary, I have to claim all the donations of support I receive as income. (Uncle Sam is going to get his part from somebody!) Anyway, it's usually a stressful time for me, because living in nyc takes every penny and doesn't leave any money to set aside during the year, so I have a huge chunk to pay. I'm allowing God to fill me with a peace about it this year. After all, He 'owns the cattle on a thousand hills', and has control of funds and always amazes me with how He provides for me. I love it when He does the miraculous to show His sovereignty, so if He can use this situation for His glory, I'm all for it! Please pray for me to not worry, and to be ready to share how His hand is over this situation, as He is over all.

I'm going to be working with 6 ladies today and tomorrow, who will be volunteering at Coffeehouse and Clinton center. We'll also be toting a bunch of bags of donated clothing to the shelter for women and kids. That will be during the day. Of course, tonight I'll be serving with my buddies at Coffeehouse for the usual Thursday night dinner craziness. Yay!

God is at work in my life right now in special ways. It's exciting and a little scary at the same time. I trust Him completely and am ready for whatever He brings! Stay tuned for details as they unfold.

Most of all, thank you for your prayers for me. I appreciate them more than I could ever explain. I pray that our Lord blesses your lives in the ways that are just perfect for you!

Talk with you soon!

1 comment:

cindysig said...

I'm excited about direction you're being given right now! :-D
Bring it on!