Thursday, May 21, 2009
May 20, 2009
I woke up at 5am and spent a lot of time talking with God and writing in my journal. I felt sort of in a daze and could really feel God's grace and mercy over my emotions. I am truly excited about what God is planning for me and happy to be serving in Rogers, but I'm truly sad to be leaving NYC, too. I guess that means I am doublely blessed to have such strong emotions in both directions.
I got to say goodbye to Eduardo and let him in the apartment to get the rest of the stuff I was giving him. I turned in my keys to the rental office and sat on the stoop of my building surrounded by my luggage waiting for the car to pick me up for the ride to the airport. The driver was very nice, he drove very smoothly and safely and even used turn signals!! We made it to the airport in record time.
I checked in at curb-side which was wonderful to not have to wrestle my bags. Both checked bags were just over the 50 pound limit, but the guy let them slide, which probably had more to do with his hope of a nice tip than anything else... I parked myself at the food court for a plain whole grain bagel and orange juice. There was a table near a post with an outlet, so I charged up my phone the rest of the way. I got to work on a new Bible study for a while. The security check didn't take too long and I stopped by the restroom one last time before boarding the plane and made it to my gate just in time for my group to board. I was hoping to get a good view of the city when we took off. It all depends on which way they take off and such. Usually I just get a quick glimpse. This time we circled the city kind of low for some reason (smile) and I got to see it from every angle. It was awesome! I could pick out Lincoln Center which is at the end of my street! What a blessing from God to visually say goodbye.
The flight was good and I got a little nap on the way. It was a 4 hour trip to DFW for my connection. However, the pilot announced that there had been no head winds at all and we were getting in a whole hour early! I know it was because of all of the prayers for a good flight. Because of the early arrival, I had time to grab a bite of lunch before boarding again.
The flight to Arkansas was 46 minutes. I spent more time on a subway traveling across the city! We arrived in Rogers right on time. I was marvelling that everything looks so clean. Nothing like in nyc, even on a sunny day. Dont' get me wrong, nyc is beautiful in it's own way. It's just that everything just looks so much cleaner without the film in the air.
My friend Kellie picked me up at the airport and dropped me off at Nana Ruth's, where I'm staying for my first week or so. The door that was left unlocked for me ended up being locked, so I sat on the front steps surrounded by my luggage and reflecting that this is the way that I started my day, just in my other 'home city'. I also got the chance to sit and talk with God about things. It was very nice.
Nana Ruth and I went out for a quick dinner and then I crashed. It had been such a long day. I guess time travel can take it out of a person. It did feel like I had been transported to a different stage of life in a matter of mere hours. It was almost like the last 2 years in nyc were really only hours long, or that I hadn't left here at all. Maybe it was a dream. hmmm...
God is the creator and controller of time. He has the power to make moments fly by or last like slow motion. Time is precious and it makes me want to live in the moment and cherish each thought, feeling and encounter. I'm thankful for the way He has brought this so strongly to my mind this day. He is so awesome!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
May 18, 2009
Friday night, the guy came to pick up my bed. He is a med student at Columbia and just moved here from California. He also took the nightstand and I gave him a really good deal on the table and chairs. I'm glad to know that the furniture will be put to good use. I'm sleeping very well on the sofa, just like I did when I moved here. I'm so thankful that God lets me have wonderful rest times.
Saturday I met Andrew for brunch in Alphabet City on the Lower East Side. It was very yummy! I had a vegetable plate prepared with some good (and new to me) herbs and spices. We then walked around and made our way back to Union Square and Andrew's workplace. We saw a parade (they pop up all over the city for various reasons). I took a few pics. I found the people on stilts interesting. I walked around and took more pictures of interesting buildings and such. I met Christi for a smoothie after her dance class. I then took the train home for a very much needed nap. I had plans to see a show in my friends theatre, but was just too tired. I really wish I could have went to the show, but the old body could only take so much excitement for one day. ha
Sunday was a nice morning of Bible Study and a little more work on the 'stuff'. (remind me never to buy anything again...) Parable met in Bryant Park and then we proceeded to a diner for some food and fellowship. I got to share with everyone what God has shown me in the 'Twelve Extraordinary Women' Bible Study. I really enjoyed and grew through that study. Anyway, it was a really nice evening. I feel like God has eased me through the 'goodbyes'. We've all agreed it's more 'so long for now'. I'm so thankful for these wonderful friends and coworkers in God's work here in the city.
Today I was blessed to work with a special team of 6 from LA. I was really thankful to spend time with them. They are such a treat to work with, too. They understand how ministering to people is different in each location, and they are sensitive to being a blessing to the people they are serving and the missionary/ministry leader. They had a blast serving meals at Coffeehouse and Clinton Senior Center. They now have the information to connect with the Directors in the future and serve here anytime they come to New York.
I've been praying for God to show me how to use each day to accomplish His plan. I make a tentative game plan and each morning ask God to direct me. It gives me such a peace. Even in the midst of all the changes, as long as He is in control, I can follow His plans. He has helped me to continue to serve and minister to people in different ways as I've been spending lots of time on my relocation process. I didn't want this time to just be about me. I'm thankful for His coordination of everything each of these busy days.
Today was really nice. Early I caught Eduardo (a maintenance guy here at the apartments) to hand off some items that didn't sell, then I headed over to the post office to mail the last box of books (cheaper at the po), stopped to buy some blackberries from a street produce vendor, then went to close my nyc checking account (just enough money for shipping the last 2 boxes), then home to do a little computer work, then off to meet the team at their hotel. We visited in the lobby of the hotel and caught up on what God is doing in our lives. The team split up and I accompanied one group to Coffeehouse and got to say goodbye to Alfonso and Augustine... hugs all around. Then I stopped at a bank that has a change counting machine. I cashed in all that loose change and had plenty to buy my last nyc souvenir, a New York hoodie, from a store in the subway. I stopped by the TSAC building to say goodbye to Carmen in the rental office and also ran into Ed, the Pastor of the church on the 6th floor (divine appointment). Then I walked up 9th Ave to my favorite healthy juice bar and had one last carrot-orange-pear-ginger drink. It was sooooo good! I walked up to the Clinton center to meet up with the 2nd part of the team. I got to say goodbye and get hugs from the peeps there. It was nice to see everyone one last time before leaving.
The team took me out for lunch and I suggested Uncle Nick's Greek restaurant. It was a hit. I told the team to 'just stick with the fat chick and you'll find good food'! ha We all did enjoy the lamb and gyros very much. We then walked around a little, Firehouse at 48th & 8th Ave, a stroll down the Diamond District, a stop at Rockefeller Center, and a visit at St. Patrick's Cathedral. I left the team there for them to continue with their exploration of nyc. I walked up to catch a bus home and took some interesting pics on the way.
I quickly walked the last 2 boxes to the shipping place and celebrated that the boxes are all gone!! I picked up my dinner from Maoz, that great Mediterranean/Vegetarian restaurant that I have visited a lot these last 2 weeks. One last load of laundry (there was just enough credit left on my laundry card - perfect planning, Lord!). A double bag green tea and another dose of vit c and zinc to ward off the cold I felt was coming on. More connection with people via email and facebook. Catching up on the blog and then it's time for a good night's sleep.
It's been a good day. Besides all the great things happening here, I also found out that there is a car for me to use in Rogers, I'll have an office space at the church to work from, and I got a letter from the IRS confirming that they will allow me to make payments on the taxes I owe for 2008. It's been a very good day.
Tomorrow will be my last full day in nyc. It seems surreal. I'm so very thankful for the way God has worked out all the details of my life, especially 'assignments' like serving in nyc. When I try to look at the big picture more through God's perspective it helps to keep everything from being so overwhelming. God is so faithful in every little detail, every lesson to be learned, every encounter. I'm so thankful He watches over me. I'm so thankful that I am His.
Friday, May 15, 2009
May 15, 2009
The people at the shipping place know me by sight now. I've been shipping a box a day (approx) for the last 2 weeks. I bought two more boxes today and was carrying them out of the store (all flattened out) and mentioned that I was glad that the wind wasn't blowing. The guy said if it was, I should make sure that it was blowing in the direction of AR! I think I'm the only person he's ever met from AR. I hope I represented the state well to him! ha
It was beautiful today. Sunny and in the 70's. I ran down the street to pick up dinner and loved the walk. As I have been waiting on people to come pick things up, I have enjoyed sitting outside my building on the stoop. I may take an evening walk after the guy picks up my bed in the next hour or so. Gotta soak up the city while I'm still here!
Wednesday night I had dinner at Jason and Erin's place down in Alphabet City. Another friend of mine used to live just a few doors down from them. I remember getting so lost down there before. Now it seems much easier to find my way around the city. It was a great time with the Hardy's and the cats. We have a comfortable connection that I know will last a long time, no matter how far we are apart from each other. I'm blessed by them.
Thursday I met Jenny and Keith and Mike for lunch at a great Greek restaurant on Columbus Ave. I had a really good lamb dinner. I had not eaten lamb before I came here. It's pretty tasty! I tried a dessert of Greek yogurt with honey and other stuff on it. The yogurt was very tart but so good with the sweet honey and other goodies. I love trying new foods. Thanks to Jenny for being my 'foodie idol'. She'll keep broadening my horizons!
Mike and I had fun chatting and strolling down Columbus Ave to his subway stop. I was trying to decide what to do with the rest of my day and opted for a nap and more work on the apartment. And, of course, more connecting with people, this time via email.
This morning Alfredo from the Clinton senior center brought his cart over and we packed it up with more stuff I'm donating to the folks there. That made room for me to move my suitcases and clothes over to one side of the apartment so the guys can get in to move the bed. Sometimes I feel like the Keystone Cops, all by myself. Or maybe the ball inside a pinball machine. Boing, boing, boing...
Well, it's time to bounce off the walls a little more. Then I'll tuck myself into bed on the sofa. I slept on this sofa for the first 2 weeks that I lived here. Going back to the beginning... I like it.
God is bringing me full circle on this journey. I praise Him for being my tour guide through this life. I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
May 12, 2009
I have gotten the chance to visit with dear friends a lot these past few days. Of course, you always wish you would have spent more time with them all along instead of just before you leave, but it's sweet to be together no matter what. I love these people so much!
Sunday night we all met at Bryant Park for a little while and then proceeded to a restaurant and had good food and lots of fun sharing stories about the last 2 years. It was wonderful to be surrounded by so many dear friends. They wished me Happy Mother's Day, since I've been like a mother to them all. I will really miss living in the same city with them. I know we will be connected in our hearts for a very long time.
After dinner, I hung out with a few of the guys in Bryant Park until they closed up and told us to move along. We just walked down 42nd street a ways. I didn't want the night to end because it would one day closer to me leaving. It was so nice to just 'be' together. Sunday is when I started to actually aknowledge how many days till I leave. I enjoyed riding my bus home that night and just looking at the streets. I'm just soaking it all in. I'm appreciating it all more deeply. I really want to do the same with all aspects of my life from now on. Each day is truly a treasure and gift from God. I want to love it and celebrate it and really live it. I want to find Joy in each day.
My little boyfriend Colton (6 1/2 months old) was so much fun to play with Sunday night, as well as yesterday when he and I and his mommy and daddy all had a double date together. He is such a cutie!! And I enjoyed time with mommy and daddy, too.
I've started packing my suitcases so I can see how much will fit and how much I need to ship in a box. I leave a week from tomorrow. I can't believe it! I will live out of my suitcases for a couple of weeks before I move to my new digs. I just know I'll accidentally pack something in a box that I'll need in my suitcase. But, wait... if I need anything I can just run to Wal-Mart! I forgot about that luxury!!
I'm looking forward to being back in Rogers for awhile. I'm excited about working on missions back at my home church, and getting to network with ministries in the area. It will be different not being on staff like before, and being 'in the field' in my home town rather than far way, but it will be great. There is so much to do and be involved in. I'm going to hit the ground running, I'm sure.
I was walking down the street today thinking about how much I'm going to miss living in this city. As bittersweet as the emotions can be, I'm thankful that God allowed me to fall in love with this place so much. I love serving Him and reaching out to others for Him. It is such a privilege to live this life. I appreciate all the hard times that go along with it. And I love all the blessed times, too. I'm really grateful to everyone who makes it possible for me to serve full time.
I know these next months in NWA will fly by and I hope to be diligent and a good steward of time and resources to accomplish all He has planned. I also look forward to the next season, whenever and wherever that will be. I pray He continues to find me useful to the Kingdom. I want to be more and more prepared for whatever He has in store.
I pray that He is guiding you and equipping you and sustaining you as you walk in His plan for your life. He is worthy to be honored through our obedience.
Now it's time for me to rest a little and be ready for another big energy day tomorrow. Blessings!
Friday, May 8, 2009
May 8, 2009
It’s May 8, 2009. Exactly 2 years since I arrived in NYC to start this journey of serving. I can’t believe that 2 years has gone by. It has been an awesome time for me. Just as boarding that plane in NWA was an emotional moment, so is the return flight in less than 2 weeks.
How exciting to be on this ride that we call Life. I’m very reflective and sentimental as I prepare to leave the city. I think of all that I have been allowed to see God do here in the last 2 years. So many life touches, people finding Christ as Savior, luke-warm believers finding a renewed relationship with our God, people looking outside themselves and serving other people, volunteer teams learning a new aspect of missions, bonds created that will last past this life to heaven, sharing of burdens, and rejoicing together. I’ve been able to experience the joys of budding romantic relationships (my friends – NOT ME!), the sadness of losing loved ones, triumphs of career and educational programs, disappointments of artistic rejection and postponing life dreams. There has been sickness, both long and short term, life goals reached, the closing of certain chapters of ministry and the birth of awesome new ministries. It has been a very full experience.
There have been some ‘firsts’ in my life that have occurred here in the city. No big deal, really, except for the fact that I’ve enjoyed the type of culture here that encourages stretching and reaching beyond my comfort zone. Here’s a partial list. (I imagine you smiling as you read some of these.) In the past 2 years, I have learned to text on my phone, successfully read a subway map, learn to only purchase what I can carry home with 2 arms, travel on the sidewalks like a New Yorker (vs. like a tourist), tasted a Bubble beverage in Chinatown, ate lamb, fell in love with falafel and hummus, enjoyed gelato, dined on Indian and Mediterranean cuisines, carried a messenger bag (rather than a purse), fell in love with produce street vendors and farmer’s markets, tried sushi, received a tattoo for my birthday, become a fan of public transportation, met people from many, many countries (some I have never heard of before), learned a ton about the world of off-off-off Broadway theatre and actors and singers and dancers and… I’ve enjoyed meeting all types of people, from Pastors of all denominations to homeless street people to performers of various levels of fame to volunteer teams of varying levels of urban ministry understanding to, well, you get the idea.
This is definitely a place for people-watching and broadening your horizons! It’s also a great place to get a glimpse of God’s creation of earth. SO many nationalities and cultures in one place. It makes a person humbly realize that this world is a lot bigger than the western culture of North America. God has created every living being, and He loves each one as His own creation. We are merely a part of the whole population of the world. We are to first love God, and then love each other, no matter how much or little we resemble each other (inside or out). The one common denominator (and the only one that matters) is the bond of belonging to God, our Father. Making those connections should be our objective in life. And that can be done in as many ways as there are people.
We all fit into God’s plan to reach the world. We walk beside each other, send each other out to our various callings (be it fulltime missionary service, reaching people in our workplace, raising our families, etc), financially supporting a ministry, or lifting up people in prayer. Every part is God’s plan for reaching others in His name.
For the last 2 years I have been blessed to be a part of a Team to share Christ with people in New York. I’m just part of that team. I happen to be the feet. Many of you have been the financial support, and all of you have been the heart as you lift me up in prayer.
I’m so thankful to you for partnering with me on my journey to serve as a fulltime missionary, wherever God sends me, in the past, present and future. I can’t do this without you, and I truly believe that He intends for us to work together on each phase of His plan.
I’ve tried to be faithful in my communication through my blog (, and I hope that you have been blessed in reading about the people and places and experiences I’ve encountered these last 2 years. Due to privacy issues, I haven’t gotten to share a lot of details about people on the blog, but please feel free to have a conversation with me, and I’ll be glad to tell you more about how God has touched lives here.
Some of you receiving this email live in NWA and will see me in a few weeks. Some live in NYC and we will be saying ‘good-bye for now’ soon. Some of you live all over the country and we are now connected electronically. No matter where you are or how often we get to see each other, I treasure our relationship and our bond in Christ.
I wish you much happiness, good health and God’s love for yourself and your loved ones. I will continue to be in touch through the next phases of God’s plans for me (and you fellow team members). Our journey is not over. This is a milestone in that walk. So I want to say:
Happy Anniversary to us ALL!!
Following Him Always,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
May 7, 2009
I've met some interesting people by posting items for sale here in the apartment building and also on craigslist. It's been fun crossing paths and sharing bits of our stories. It's natural to ask where are you moving to, what do you do here, etc. It opens the door to share my trust in God and His plans for my future. Please pray for me not to miss any opportunity to share about Him.
I'm trying to touch base with many people before I leave. God has blessed me with many friends here in the city over the last 2 years. I've really been blessed. Lots of dates for coffee or a meal or exploring a common interest. It's hard to believe that I'll really be leaving.
Two people came by yesterday to buy some items. One guy bought some plastic storage drawers. We had to put them into 3 trashbags. He was going to be taking them on the subway (2 different trains) to Astoria Queens. One girl came by subway to buy my floor lamps. She ended up getting the 6' tall (skinny) pantry, a crockpot, and 3 sacks of misc stuff. She called a taxi to get it all home. It took us 30 minutes to fit it all into the taxi. These are just normal examples of the hassles of transporting stuff around the city. I'm not complaining about it. Just pointing out the differences of living in a city which depends more on public transportation than personal vehicles. I find it interesting.
A girl came by tonight to buy a small bookcase. She only lives about 10 blocks away, so just carried it down the street. That's a normal sight.
During the break in the weather today, I ran a box to the shipping place, stopped by the bank, picked up lunch at my new favorite Mediterranean/vegetarian neighborhood restaurant (I ate there for lunch yesterday, too), stopped by the street vendor for bananas, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries. I will miss the street vendors with their fresh produce at low prices.
My senses seem to be on hyperdrive lately. I think it's because I'm trying to impress upon my memory all the sights, sounds and smells (well, most of the smells) of the city. People keep asking what, besides the people, I will miss the most when I leave. I've been thinking about it alot. There are many things that I will miss. But after thinking and talking with a friend about it, I think I will miss the most the Me that I am when living here. God has grown me so much personally, emotionally and spiritually over these last 2 years. There have been good times and difficult times. As long as I'm in His plan, I will accept 'all' times. My most fervent wish is that I am faithful to His call and bring honor to Him.
I had such a great time with Jenny at a coffeeshop this afternoon. We talked a lot about life and living in the city and God's plans and just stuff. She has lived here all her life and says that I make her look at the city through fresh eyes. She's a dedicated foodie and plans on going to cooking school soon. We share a love of exploring different cuisines. We will always have that in common and she inspires me to try new things and to learn to cook outside of my comfort zone. She is a cherished friend and we'll be sharing our love of cooking exploration for a long time. I'm very thankful to call her friend.
I succumbed to the temptation to have real coffee tonight. I try not to do caffeine, but I do love coffee. This coffee place was special and smelled so heavenly, I just had to have a real one! It was very nice and I enjoyed treating myself. And sipping coffee and chatting with Jenny was sweet! (even though it's midnight, I'm nowhere near ready for sleep! oh well)
I'm planning on getting a lot more work on the apartment done tomorrow. I have a lunch meeting and also someone is coming by to look at a few more items for sale. I'm trying to schedule more meetings with ministry people to finish up my work here. My days are busy, but not too crazy. These last weeks are sprinkled with different things to take care of, personal and work related. I have less than 2 weeks left. I know it will hit me harder when departure is closer. I'm very excited about my new assignment in NWA, so it's not going to be all sad... just very emotional - up and down. But, God created us with a wide arrangement of emotions and I'm going to celebrate them all.
I am so truly thankful for all the prayers and financial support and encouragement. I pray blessings on everyone of them. These days I'm experiencing a new level of joy.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
May 5, 2009
It's been a week since my last post, but nothing much has been going on except for spending time at home sorting, packing, planning, Bible study, reading, and babying my body which has decided to revolt against life in general.
Connecting with people has been less in person and more through phone and email this week. So, even though I have been restricted to home, I have been able to continue the people business of my work. Sometimes there is no substitute for the opportunity of sharing your heart, uninterrupted and totally thoughtful, in a letter. Other times, a physical hug is all the words you need. It's the same with God. He speaks to us in so many different ways. And we can communicate with Him through multiple options.
When the weather was super nice over those 2 glorious weekends, I was able to celebrate and thank Him for the beauty of springtime in nyc. When it's rainy and I'm mostly inside, I can have quiet times in prayer, reading the Word and studying. I've loved the Bible study about 12 Extraordinary Women. It's a reminder of how unique God has created each of us, how specific He has planned our lives, how perfectly He has equipped us for His purpose, how forgiving He is when we interfere with those plans, how deeply He loves us, how sovereign He is and how worthy He is of honor and praise and love. I love having those quiet times. Not just a short time each morning, but long periods of just 'being' with Him. What a gift.
I have been a little frustrated with the rainy weather for the fact that it complicates the process of taking boxes to the shipping place, and also, taking donations to the shelters. I did get to make a couple of trips to ship boxes between the rain showers yesterday. I haven't minded living in just one room, but there is only so much room for boxes before everything comes to a stand-still.
I posted some items for sale on Craigslist yesterday and got lots of calls. If it quits raining long enough, there is quite a bit of stuff ready to walk out the door. Of course, everything that was on the shelving units is now stacked all over the apartment, but that's progress!!
I'm thankful for all the material things that God allowed me to use these last 2 years. This was a glum little basement room when I walked into it. God brought me wonderful bargains on things to make life here comfortable. It has really been a sanctuary for me here in this crazy busy city. I pray over each item as it goes to its new owner. I want them to get as much use and enjoyment as I got. I hope it blesses their home.
They have shown my apartment to about 4 people lately. One girl really liked it, but the timing didn't work out. They are going to re-carpet and paint and put in a new 'all in one' kitchen unit as well as a 'real' apartment size refrigerator! That will really doll the place up! A lot of students live in this complex. It's so close to Julliard and just down the road from the schools at Columbia and others. It's a pretty quiet neighborhood and I've loved living in the area. God blessed me with a perfect place for what He wanted me to have. Nothing fancy or too comfortable. Basic and with the potential to put my personal mark on it. Definitely full of memories.
In case you haven't noticed, lately I'm waxing sentimental. I've kept a journal and I'm so thankful for all of the things that God has brought me through while serving here in NYC. Even though I will be separated physically from people here, I know that I will be with them in Heaven and I look forward to that reunion!!
Okay, more packing to do and some more emails to take care of.
Have a blessed day.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
April 29, 2009
Last Thursday, Ashley joined me in serving at Coffeehouse. It was fun as always. I'm really going to miss the staff, volunteers and the seniors. I have really been blessed to be able to work there so much these last 4 months. After serving, Ashley and I went by my favorite juice place and imbibed in some natural refreshment. It was really great!
Friday I met Mike and Will for lunch. Will works as a church planter and trainer for Redeemer Presb Church here in NYC. He travels A LOT and is in China for a big part of the year. He was leaving the next day for the summer and I will not see him again (this side of Heaven, anyway). It was nice to have lunch together. Mike and I went up to the Cloisters, which is a monastery that is part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was beautiful and there were some really awesome items on display.
Saturday I worked on sorting and packing and laundry for the first part of the day. Then I met up with Ashley down in Greenwich Village and we did a little more exploring and picture taking. We hit Washington Square Park, Chinatown, Little Italy and walked back and forth across the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a beautiful day and I loved it very much. I had some gelato for the first time while walking in Little Italy. And I got some good pics of the shopping areas of Chinatown. The walk across the bridge was fun. It is so windy up there. The views are beautiful. It was good to get home and lay on the couch for the rest of the evening!
Sunday morning I took a bus over to meet Erin, Danny and Madison for a trip to the Bronx Zoo. Erin drove and it was kind of strange to ride in a car. I haven't done that but about 6-7 times while living here in the last 2 years. It was a gorgeous day! All weekend it was in the 80s and 90s! I loved it! Mike and Jen met us at the zoo around noon. We had packed our lunch so I just kind of grazed all day right along with the animals. I did buy a lemon-ice thing that was so delicious! I had so much fun looking at the animals. I took bunches of pics. I rode back to Manhattan with Mike and Jen. We stopped by Jen's place to pick up Nita (the wonderful dog) and headed to Central Park for Parable. I loved meeting for Parable on blankets outside on such a beautiful afternoon. Joy Joy Joy
Monday I served at Clinton center and ran errands. And, of course, more laundry, sorting and packing.
Tuesday I met Jenny and Christi at Sweet Revenge, a restaurant in Greenwich Village, for special cupcakes and lots of chatting. (I saw the owner of this place on Martha Stewart one day and was impressed.) A lot of places open their windows (or even storefronts) and let the fresh air in during the spring and summer. It was so nice to sit there in the open that we stayed for hours! I walked on the wild side and had a cupcake. It was a very dark chocolate concoction which I will consider medicinal! I'm not that crazy about cakes, but this was sinfully good. The time spent with each other was even sweeter! Erin H couldn't meet for Bible study, so we'll catch up on that later. However, Jenny and Christi and I made some plans for more outings. Gotta pack in all the fellowship I can while I'm still here! After Sweet Revenge, Christi and I walked over to Washington Square Park for a while. She worked on a writing assignment and I read a little. Then I walked back to the subway and took some more pics on the way. I love the look of the different kinds of buildings. After I got home, I strapped a couple of bags of clothes to my little fold up cart and walked 30 blocks round trip to drop them off at the women's shelter. Gave away clothes and got good exercise at the same time. It was a very nice day.
Today I went to Dr. Bioh for the last checkup here in nyc. The results from my latest blood tests were okay, but I'm very impatient to get better faster. Dr. Bioh is so supportive. He says that he has no doubt that I will get there because I'm so determined to be healthy. I told him how much I appreciated having him as my doc. Even though I haven't seen him many times, I will miss him and his caring personality. God has surely blessed me with great doctors here in nyc. I'm more thankful for that than I can put into words. I was talking to my sister on my cell at the bus stop and ended up getting on the wrong bus to get home. But, it went past a part of town I had not seen and I got the chance to observe a part of Central Park that I had not seen before. There were some kids rolling down a hill. It looked like so much fun! It was chilly today (back in the 60s), but a very sunny day. Lots of people in the park and around the city. I stayed on the bus till I got to the Diamond District so I could take more pics. I cut across Times Square to get to my other bus and ran across the Naked Cowboy taking pics with tourists. He's a well known tourist attraction who stands in TS wearing cowboy boots, cowboy hat, guitar and his 'tidy whitey' underwear that has 'Naked Cowboy' written across his bum. I grabbed a few shots of him for fun. A quick stop at the library and I made it home, had lunch and took a nap.
God has been really working on my heart these last couple of weeks as He prepares me for transitioning to serving in AR. There are so many things on my mind. It's quiet times with Him that I long for and am thankful for. He has blessed me with a schedule that allows for time of fellowship with others, serving where needed, and special time with Him. He is balancing my agenda very well!
I want to soak up every minute of every day. I don't want to take anything for granted. I'm so thankful for every encounter and memory. I love the life He has given me. I pray I can honor Him as best as I can. He is loving and awesome and wonderful. I'm thankful and filled with a sweet Joy.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
April 22, 2009
Yesterday I got the chance to have lunch with Mike. We had a good time of chatting. And I walked on the wild-side and had Chinese food. It was yummy. I was very strict the rest of the day. I'm trying really hard to be 'good' so that I can have the energy and good health to accomplish all I need to do in these last few weeks in the city. I even grabbed a nap this afternoon.
I spent a lot of time today talking with people here in NYC and also in AR. Mostly by phone and email. I'm very blessed to get to interact with the people God has brought into my life. How often I take it for granted. I'm going to work on appreciating more all the interactions I have, even the smallest ones...
Today I have been doing more computer work and started packing my books. Since my apartment is so small, I need to pack a few boxes at a time and then walk them over to shipping place. There, I will buy more boxes and come back and repeat the process. Slowly but surely everything will get where it needs to go.
I've been blessed with some wonderful offers for lodging back in AR. I've prayed about them and agreed to an arrangement that I think will benefit everyone involved. God is so good. I'm thankful for Christian friends with open hearts! I just need to find a vehicle to borrow. God is working things out very well for me and I trust His guidance. Thank you all for lifting me up in prayer for me to be aware of His direction.
I've put together my list of stuff to be sold before I leave. Since I've only lived in this one place since I bought the stuff 2 years ago, I actually have all of the manuals that go with them. That's a first for me!! Anyway, my goal is to make enough off of the sales to cover the cost of shipping my personal items and clothes and also for my plane ticket. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! There are some things that I'm going to donate to the women's shelter and the senior center. Everything has a purpose and a home...
Bible study was great yesterday. Erin and Christi and I have all been traveling over the last few weeks, so it was the first time we have all been in the same place together. There's much going on in each of our lives right now. It's wonderful how the same study can reach each of us in our different needs. God is awesome. We will finish this study just before I leave. I'm thankful we will all be around and can complete it together.
Well, the weather has been cold, but starting tomorrow it's supposed to get better and better every day. I can't wait!! The weekend is supposed to be the best yet! I have more pics to take and people to see! I'll serve at Coffeehouse tomorrow and Clinton on Friday. More sorting and packing and taking boxes to be shipped, but more exploring the city for the last time. It's all exciting and it all brings me Joy!
Monday, April 20, 2009
April 20, 2009
God is treating me to some wonderful days. Thursday and Friday were beautiful for the time I got to spend with the team from NC, Saturday so awesome for time spent with Ashley running around the city. And Sunday's plans turned upside down, but became a thoughtful gift from God to me.
I arrived at Coffeehouse to serve my lunch shift and found that another church had switched their serving week. There were more than enough people to serve, so I was given the day off! Ashley was going to meet me there, so I called her and we met at Port Authority and headed off to explore and take more pics for the afternoon.
We started out at Grand Central Station, where we took pics and stopped for a little snack at the food court. There is an 'urban living room' that has recliners set around with little end tables and gives the traveler the chance to rest just like in their living room at home. While sitting in the food court, a gentleman (who had been imbibing some happy juice) came to our table and proceeded to 'pick us up'. He was kind of funny, but very persistent. It looked like he wasn't going to leave and I was beginning to wonder if we needed to find security. He tried to talk me into taking him, and we that didn't work, he started on Ashley. He kept promising that he would take good care of us and treat us right. He finally moved on and a couple who were sitting near by laughed with us. The husband said I just didn't know what I was missing out on and I told him that I would probably kick myself in the morning. ha We looked up and the 'eligible bachelor' was talking to some ladies at another table. Oh well, I guess I missed my chance for romance in the city! I was thrilled to find a little subway car that I had been looking for at the MTA gift shop, so I didn't leave totally empty handed!
We walked over to 1st Ave to the United Nations. The flags were not out, but we took some pics anyway. One of my favorites is the statue of the gun with the barrel twisted into a knot. I won't delve into either side of the politics of gun control. I just think the statue is interesting to look at.
We jumped on a bus and headed back to Mid-town to see how the Diamond district was doing on a Sunday. Still quiet. We'll have to hit it on a weekday. I remember it being really hopping when I've been there before. I'm hoping for some good pics.
We were walking farther west to catch the 1 train to South Ferry station when we ran into a small street fair. Ashley had mentioned how she would miss seeing one since she would not be here for summer. I like to think that God placed that one on our path just so that she could experience it. The usual vendors were there, purses, scarves, foods of all kinds, jewelry, art, sunglasses, socks, sheet sets, odds and ends, etc. We saw the sights and smelled the smells and kept our money in our pockets.
We took the 1 train down to South Ferry station. They finally opened the new station a few months ago. The old station was so small that only the 1st 5 cars of the train could fit in the station. Before, you had to make sure that you were in one of those 5 cars. It was fun to arrive in the new station. I've never seen one so clean and shiny! We took the Staten Island Ferry over and back, taking lots of pics of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Jersey, Manhattan, boats, barges, Staten Island and each other. It was a nice day to stand at the rail and listen to the water as we traveled along. I've always enjoyed riding the ferry (which is free, by the way) when I needed to get away from the craziness of the city.
When we arrived back in Manhattan, we walked around Battery Park and took more pics of statues and such. There was a group of young people doing some acrobatics and giving a message about being drug free. We arrived just in time to see them setting up for their ending exploits (not to mention the usual passing of the hat for tips). They lined up 9 small people for one of the guys to jump over. My camera has a small delay between pressing the button and the actual picture being taken. I was hoping I could catch the guy in the air at some point. I couldn't see him running, and just clicked the camera when I thought the time might be right. God was so sweet to make sure that the timing was perfect and I got a pic of the guy flipped upside down over the kids. Great pic! I also liked the pic of the damaged globe statue that was relocated from the WTC after 9/11. There is an eternal flame at that spot also.
Off we marched through the Financial district. We took pics of the Bull statue and some cool, old buildings. We were walking around the crazy streets down there and were ready to just ask some security guys where the NYSE building is (you know the one with the huge flag?). We were walking up to the guys to ask them when we looked up and they were standing in front of the building. We cracked up laughing. We would have felt soooo stupid if we had asked and not looked up. Silly laughter is a good thing!
The World Trade Center sight was next. It's such a huge construction sight now. There were lots of cranes of different sizes that could be seen above the tall fences. I took some pics. I hope they do it justice. It was very interesting to see them.
Ashley and I were looking for the subway to get back up to Mid-town for church. Weekends are the times when the subway lines and stations are usually messed up, mixed up or just plain shut down for 'improvements'. We got on one of those lines that was 'altered'. Of course, being the silly girls that we were that day, we ended up on the wrong train, going the wrong way. We were so busy chatting that it was 30 minutes before we realized that we didn't recognize the names of any of the stations. We ended up pretty far out in Brooklyn. We got off the train, got our bearings and made our way to a station that allowed us to catch another train back into the city. I texted Mike and told him that we wouldn't make it back in time for church. We felt so silly! But never fear, we had spent a lot of the last 2 days discussing our relationships with the Father and all He is and has done in our lives. It's been a special time of sharing between two sisters-in-Christ. Although I missed being at Parable!
We ended up having dinner at a fun restaurant named Vyn*l. It was kind of loud with music, but fun. The food was awesome! I had grilled salmon with spinach pesto sauce, roasted beets and carrots, grilled portabello mushroom and asparagus. Yum!! Ashley's sesame chicken dish was so big that she took some home. The restrooms were cool. Instead of 2 different large rooms (1 for each men and women), there were 4 smaller rooms, each with a toilet, sink and a theme. I visited the 'Cher' room, with her music piped in, a tile mosaic of her on the wall and a Cher collector's doll mounted on the wall. I can't remember the 4th room, but the other 2 were themed for Dolly and for Nelly. So instead of picking the room according to your gender, you picked it according to your choice of music. How fun!
We parted in Times Square where I waited (in the very chilly air) for my bus and Ashley caught her train. By the time I got home, I was ready for some warm jammies and a soft sofa! I fell asleep watching tv and went to bed before midnight for the first time in months! God has been good to me in these last 4 days by giving me so much energy to accomplish a lot in the beautiful weather.
Today (Monday), I scurried to Clinton center to serve lunch. The weather has dropped back down to 40s & 50s and there's rain in the forecast for the next few days. Perfect planning for me to work on the correspondence, networking, lists and packing. I want to be a good steward of God's time and I also cherish every moment I have left here in the city.
Thanks to everyone who are lifting me up in prayer. I can really feel them!
The ring on my thumb is a symbol of the promise I made to God at the beginning of the year that I would serve anywhere and in anyway He leads me. That includes being ready to react to His direction when He gives it. To be ready... that brings me Joy.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
April 18, 2009
It was a gorgeous day in the 70s with beautiful sunshine. Central Park was pretty, even though the trees are still in the budding stage. There was quite a few people walking, sitting, sunning, playing ball, rowing boats and just hanging out. There was even a bride and groom getting some photos taken in their wedding attire. It was interesting to see them sitting in the midst of other people sunning and reading books and just hanging out.
We left the park and had a nice salad plate lunch then walked on down to Rockefeller Center and the Diamond District. There is still the outdoor ice-skating rink and it was funny to see skaters on the ice when the day was so spring-like. Most of the stores in the Diamond District were closed since it was the Sabbath. I'll have to drop by there again on another day for some more pics. I did get a couple of shots of the street lamps that look like giant mounted diamonds. I think they are so cute!
We walked up 8th Ave and dropped in at the Olympic Diner, where I had a few meals when I came up to NYC on a couple of mission trips. We took a little break and I had a very yummy fresh squeezed lemonade. It was heavenly! After our rest, we walked to Whole Foods and picked up some hummus and pita chips and then off to my place for snacks and a movie. It has been a really great day.
I'm still on my emotional roller coaster ride about moving. It's only 4 weeks away. There's lots to get done, but I'm up for the challenge! Following God's plan is worth every detail.
Tomorrow will bring serving at Coffeehouse at lunch and then Parable tomorrow night. After a day of good old walking and fresh air, I think I'll sleep well tonight!
I feel the prayers being lifted up for me. I've been able to sleep more peacefully the last few nights. I'm so thankful for my many Christian friends. God has blessed me richly. I'm truly thankful and finding Joy in Him.
Friday, April 17, 2009
April 17, 2009
If God can create the world and work huge miracles, why do I continue to be amazed when He moves in unexpected ways in my life? But, I would rather be surprised, thankful and in awe of Him than to just take His work for granted as the 'usual'. Thank you Lord for Your control of my life.
Yesterday and today I am very blessed to be working with 6 young ladies from NC. We are doing a little serving of meals at Coffeehouse and Clinton Center. We dropped off some donated clothing to the women's shelter, also. It's been so interesting to hear about life on their little island and their experiences in the huge, amazing city this week.
God is so faithful in showing me even in small ways that His hand is in the details of my life. This team is working with 2 other ministries here in the city this week. Both of these (Gifted Hands with Dustee Hullinger and Project Dance with Cheryl Cutlip) are precious ministries that I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with. These connections bring me Joy and put a smile on my face this week!
I have had a wonderful experience talking with Karen, the leader of this small group. God is doing wonderful things in her and her family's lives. It's so encouraging to talk to people and hear the different ways in which God uses His people to further His kingdom. He is so faithful in giving us just what we need emotionally at just the right time! I am blessed.
This is a very crazy week for me since God has put my life in what looks like a whirlwind (even though it is all perfectly in order in His understanding). I go through the day bouncing from excitement for the future and tears from the loving welcome coming from those 'back home', to teary eyes about leaving the life and 'family' and friends I have 'here at home'. (I may stock up on kleenex and not bother with makeup for the next 4 weeks! ha) I'm privileged to feel love coming from both places. Thank you Lord.
I really need your prayers! I'm excited to 'go' but sad to 'leave'. Thank you for lifting me up. I am so blessed by friends near and far. And the best love of all, HIS love for me.
I love You Lord. And that is JOY!!
April 2009 Announcement Letter
PLEASE pray for me as I continue on this journey with the Lord.
In a few weeks I will be celebrating my 2 year anniversary of serving as a Missionary in NYC. It feels as though the time has flown by. At the same time, it feels that I have been a part of this city for a long while. I have been so blessed to be called here and be grown by the experiences, whether easy or difficult. God is holy and sovereign. I love following Him and trying to be obedient to His direction.
One of the things that God has taught me is that everything in this life is for a season, and that only God knows how long each season is to last. Part of obedience is discerning the plan set before us, another part is following the plan because it is the way He wants to use you for His kingdom.
I’ve spent the last few months in prayer about what the next phase of my serving relationship with God is to be. As much as I love living and ministering here in NYC, I realize that God is calling me to a change. I have been so honored to be a part of the transition of the411nyc to the humble and honest ministry of Parable Church, which functions as an effective small group ministering to people in Manhattan. I have enjoyed working with the teams who have come to volunteer in NYC. There are so many people that I have gotten to know and call friend. The Parable members have indeed become my family and I will miss them very much. The last 4 months of getting to spend more of my time volunteering in the soup kitchens and centers have been so awesome!
The next season of my life will be spent as a ‘Missionary in Residence’ at my home church, First Baptist Church of Rogers AR. I will serve there throughout the remainder of 2009 assisting with the overall Missions ministries, with special focus on the Local programs and opportunities. I will continue to live as a missionary in the fact that I will require only a bedroom to stay in and a borrowed vehicle for transportation. I will not receive a salary, but instead will continue to receive the monetary support pledged from the church through 2009. I pray that those individuals who have personally supported me as a missionary in NYC will continue to do so as I serve in Rogers.
Along with concentrating on the Mission programs and opportunities of FBCR, I will also focus on my pursuit to become fluent in Spanish, continue on recouping my health, and preparing to go on to the next ‘assignment’ when God makes that call known.
I appreciate all the prayers, love and support that you have shown me while I have been in NYC. I ask for your continued prayers as I leave a city I have come to love, with people who have become like family to me. Please pray that my practical needs will be met back in Rogers, that my health will continue to improve, that I will be able to share my passion for missional living with others, and that people will be able to see Jesus in my life.
I originally thought that I would have till the end of summer to make the transition, but God’s timing is different, and of course, perfect. I also thought that when it was time to leave, I would be sick of the city. But that type of obedience is easy. God is growing me even more by allowing my heart to be a part of both NYC and Rogers AR. I’m happy and sad at the same time. But most of all I’m honored to let my obedience to Him be a witness regarding the trust and faith that I have in Him. He is awesome and worthy to be praised (and obeyed). There is JOY in serving Him.
Blessings to you and please join me in celebrating as I’m:Following Him Always!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
April 16, 2009
I've spent a lot of time studying, reading, praying and resting. I continue to deal with my health even when I'm being extremely 'good'. Don't understand, but I accept it. It reminds me that I'm not in control of my life, God is. But even though I can't always make things go my way, I can rejoice and trust in Him to know what is best, and to have the right plan for me. There is JOY in having faith.
I had a wonderful, personal Easter. I was too ill to go to church that morning, and that made me sad, but I had a very special time with Jesus right here in my apartment. Mike came by in the afternoon to pick up Nita and we had a nice visit. We don't seem to get enough time to talk these days, but that's life in the city... always busy. Anyway, sweet Nita went home and I missed her. But I had a wonderful time with my Lord.
I served lunch on Monday, and perhaps people were hung over on too much Easter chocolate, but there seemed to be an edge in some interactions. I know I was ready for a nap when I got home, and I didn't even eat chocolate! ha!
The weather has remained chilly, overcast and damp. Is spring ever going to appear? Maybe I'm anxious for it because I remember when I moved here 2 years ago (May 8) it was an awesome, sunny spring day. I want to see the city dressed for spring again!
I've been spending a lot of time praying about my walk with the Lord. I want to be obedient, humble, faithful and reverent to my Lord. There are so many ways and situations in which to honor, serve and share Him. I just pray that I give myself to Him each day. Thank you for praying that for me.
Like many others, I mailed off my tax return yesterday. ugh! Since I'm a self-employed missionary, I have to claim all the donations of support I receive as income. (Uncle Sam is going to get his part from somebody!) Anyway, it's usually a stressful time for me, because living in nyc takes every penny and doesn't leave any money to set aside during the year, so I have a huge chunk to pay. I'm allowing God to fill me with a peace about it this year. After all, He 'owns the cattle on a thousand hills', and has control of funds and always amazes me with how He provides for me. I love it when He does the miraculous to show His sovereignty, so if He can use this situation for His glory, I'm all for it! Please pray for me to not worry, and to be ready to share how His hand is over this situation, as He is over all.
I'm going to be working with 6 ladies today and tomorrow, who will be volunteering at Coffeehouse and Clinton center. We'll also be toting a bunch of bags of donated clothing to the shelter for women and kids. That will be during the day. Of course, tonight I'll be serving with my buddies at Coffeehouse for the usual Thursday night dinner craziness. Yay!
God is at work in my life right now in special ways. It's exciting and a little scary at the same time. I trust Him completely and am ready for whatever He brings! Stay tuned for details as they unfold.
Most of all, thank you for your prayers for me. I appreciate them more than I could ever explain. I pray that our Lord blesses your lives in the ways that are just perfect for you!
Talk with you soon!
Friday, April 10, 2009
April 10, 2009
This week has been good. I cut back a little on my scheduling and got to spend more 'quality time' with the people I was with.
Tuesday I was working on my Bible study and had just read a verse saying to be ready to assist others when I got a phone call from a friend needing me to run an errand for him. It was John Cooper, who has a small theatre at TSAC and was our neighbor when we had the Space. He just needed me to drop something off at a business a few blocks away, while he stayed at the theatre to build a set and clean up before rehearsal started later. I haven't had the chance to talk with him in person much, so it was nice to visit a little. This errand also gave me the chance to stop by my favorite health food restaurant and treat myself to some yummy organic, vegetarian grub. They had some good stuff! My favorite Indian curry stew over brown rice, steamed kale, and a wonderful casserole made with egg whites/tofu/zucchini/mushrooms - it looked like baked mud, but it was GOOD! I want to get some of their recipes. I need to learn to cook with tofu. Anyway, I hung out at Cooper's theatre until time to help with cleaning up the construction mess. We finished just in time for rehearsal. I always like helping in Cooper's place.
Wednesday was a hoot working at the Clinton senior center for their Easter party. Usually the people come through a serving line. For the party, we volunteers took the food to people as they sat at the tables. There was a salsa band and dancing. It was so fun to see everyone having a good time. They dances Salsa, the Electric Slide, and a few moves that I didn't recognize. They have dance classes every week and were very talented!
I then went up and across town to get my hair cut by my friend Allison. It was a free cut, which was nice. Allison is spending Easter in FL with family. I know she is having great weather! It's so interesting to talk with people about Passover and Easter. So many different ideas, beliefs, opinions... Such a great way to start conversations and share the Truth!
The bus ride back across town took an hour and a half due to one of the cross streets through the park being closed because a van hit a light pole. Crazy, crazy backup. Once we got across the park, I got off the bus at the first chance and walked!
Thursday I met with Mike at my nearest subway stop so that he could hand over Nita and then be on his way to catch a bus to PA to visit family. There was a small farmers' market near the subway stop on Thursdays. I picked up some apples and potatoes while I was walking through. Needless to say, Nita was a huge hit with everyone.
I met up with Ashley near Times Square and we stopped off for a quick salad before heading to Coffeehouse to serve dinner. It was still a little crazy, but I think some of the people were on their best behavior since Ashley was new to the scene. The food looked and smelled so good, but I only had peas. Being good is such torture sometimes!
Today I went uptown to my Doctor's office to get my blood test done for next week's checkup. They ended up being closed for the holiday. I guess I'll head back up on Monday. Anyway, I came home and had my super-oatmeal and headed over to Clinton center to serve lunch. I met a new senior who also volunteers. She's a hoot and I enjoyed talking with her. The people got little chocolate bunnies on their trays today. They liked it.
I stopped off at Whole Foods on the way home and picked up a few healthy goodies for the weekend. There were tons of people in there as usual. I sometimes learn important info about foods when there. They have interesting details on their signs. For instance, today I learned about 3 different types of sweet potatoes and yams. Which one is sweetest, which one is more moist, etc. I studied a little about soy cheese, but decided to wait on buying any. Healthy stuff is so expensive some times. I always like to look around in that store. It makes me think of how God created so many plants and foods, and how I haven't heard of most of them. It's very interesting and tasty to explore!
I'm going to spend the day inside tomorrow since it's supposed to be rainy. I want to spend time on my studies and reading and just sit at Jesus' feet for a while on this very special weekend. I'm really looking forward to that. I pray that everyone will have special time with God in the midst of all the plans for this weekend. It's a wonderful time to share with family. I smile when I think of the kids enjoying the fun of springtime celebration of Easter AND also learning the true meaning of the Easter and celebrating that.

Here's a pic of Nita. She weighs a little over 2 pounds. Isn't she cute?
Nita is telling me that she is ready for bed, so I guess I should tuck her in and put myself to bed, too. I'm glad she's here to keep me on track. Just another little bit of JOY!
Monday, April 6, 2009
April 6, 2009
I continued to take it easy over the weekend. I did venture out Saturday to the library (just a couple blocks away) and the corner market. Sunday was beautiful. I took my time and walked to Times Square and had a nice smoothie from one of my favorite health food restaurants. The a few blocks away to TSAC for Parable. It was a great night of sharing and praying. I'm so thankful that God has brought these people in to my life right now. A few of us went to the diner for our after church meal. You'll be proud of me to know that I had a veggie plate and didn't fall into temptation. One day at a time...
Today I walked to the Clinton center in the cold drizzle. It held off actually raining until I turned the corner, so I only had to walk in full rain for half a block. Luckily I won't melt, and my short haircut won't be bothered by anything, so a few raindrops weren't a problem at all. Normal New York.
It was fun to see everyone today after being 'off' last week. Everything went very smoothly. I skipped the free lunch that workers get, even though it looked and smelled good. I stayed strong for the 'cause'. I'm trying to be good... Anyway, I'll be volunteering an extra day this week to help serve lunch on Wednesday, which is their Easter celebration. That will be fun!
Until my health is better, I will not be serving at GCN across town. I'll just stick to the shifts at Project Find (Coffeehouse and Clinton centers) here close by. It's been hard to slow down. I feel that I should always be 'doing' something. God is really working on me regarding this subject. I'm trying to listen to Him better.
I think I'll be puppysitting Nita a few days this week. She's so tiny that she fits right in here at the apartment. If the weather is nice on Saturday, maybe she and I will take a walk in Central Park. She would like that. And I know I would, too!
I'm working with 5 groups of various sizes who are coming to NYC between now and the end of July to work for various lengths of time. I'm also looking forward to connecting to some visitors this spring, too. My schedule will allow me to explore the city on my down time. I'm looking forward to taking a lot more pictures. I'm starting a picture 'bucket list' to make sure I don't miss anything while the weather is good this spring and summer.
These days leading up to when we celebrate Easter make me think about Jesus' last week. I'm so in awe of the love He had for us that He would go through this last week of His 'human' life. It makes me want to tell Him how much I love Him, appreciate Him and want to live in a way that honors Him. He deserves so much more. But He accepts what we are. His grace is huge to be able to make up the deficit of us. I feel sorry for everyone who doesn't know Him, especially at this precious time of year.
I pray that your week is filled with time to think about Him. To share Him. To honor Him. To love Him. To share the Joy of Christ with family and friends this special week. (oh yeah, and eat lots of chocolate, too!)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April 2, 2009
In the wee hours of Monday, I was up most of the night really sick. It seems my liver was tired of the little abuses and retaliated against me. Just like sin, it's those little things that add up. I've been pretty 'icky' all week, so I've had to stay in and cancel my appointments.
I've been blessed to have extra time for reading and studying this week, though. The 'True North' book and study is really hitting the mark for me right now. It's always good to take a long, deep look at our lives and how we have grown from the different experiences God has brought us through. I can't wait to see what He has planned for me next! (not to mention what I learn from the rest of the book!)
My apartment is filling up with a collection of things that my fellow tenants are donating for some of the shelters. I'll take the bags two-by-two and drop them off next week. There's a shelter nearby called Clinton Family Inn that is an old hotel converted into rooms for moms and kids. It's hard to get through the red tape to volunteer there, but they will accept donations anytime. So, I'll just stop in with donations as often as possible. :)
Another study that is great is our women's Bible study. This next chapter is on Mary and Martha. I'm sure God will speak volumes to me in that one. I struggle a lot with feeling that I'm not working hard enough. For the majority of people, a job is not necessarily what their passion in life is. Since I don't go through some of the aspects of previous 'jobs' (like getting up too early by an alarm clock, driving to an office, spending all day in the office, getting off work tired, fitting in time for my love of missions, etc), I sometimes feel like I'm not really 'working'. I almost feel guilty that I enjoy what I do as a missionary. Don't get me wrong, I work on the computer from home, spend many hours 'serving' and running all around the city meeting with people, feeling exhausted a lot, etc., but I love being able to do this. I think the struggle is probably the enemy trying to steal my JOY about serving God. Anyway, I'm still looking forward for the Bible study on Mary and Martha.
Since I've been 'homebound' this week, I've taken advantage of the time to sort through some clothes and jewelry to add to the 'shelter' donations. I live pretty streamlined, but it was nice to purge a little of this stuff. It's nice to know that someone will get some use from these things.
Speaking of blessings, someone signed me up for a subscription to Body and Soul magazine. I'm loving it! Thank you to whoever did this! I'm truly blessed! And I send up prayers for my anonymous angel when I'm reading each issue.
Well, I hope everyone is getting back into the swing of things after your various spring breaks. It won't be long until school is out for summer. I hope you get to enjoy some simple, basic family time together. One of the things I like about hanging out with our small Parable family is that we're all broke and spend time just doing things together. Sitting on a park bench in the sunshine is one of my favorites!
Please keep me in your prayers this week as I travel down this crazy journey of physical health. Pray I have discipline to always eat what's right for my body even when I feel 'normal'. Thank you so much for your prayers and love! and all the JOY you bring me!
Monday, March 30, 2009
March 30, 2009
Wednesday evening I served at GCN with 3 other volunteers. We had everything quite under control with Mr. Lew. I got to leave 30 minutes early, so I went to Wild Greens Chop Shop for a healthy dinner and some time to read. Then I set off for the rescheduled Bible Study at Erin's. (by the way, I have two friends named Erin. this is Erin Hardy, and my other friend Erin Ellis is the one with the long struggle with migraines. I'll try to keep them sorted out better in my posts.) Our Bible study was really good. We shared a lot and prayed for each other. We won't be meeting for a couple of weeks due to travel opps for Erin and Christi, so it was special to be together.
Thursday I met Mike for lunch at a health food pizza place called Cafe Viva. It was tasty and good for us. (it still didn't take care of the real pizza craving, but that's how it has to be) We'll be grabbing a bite there every so often. It's on Broadway at 97th st on the Upper West Side, so it's halfway between my apartment and Mike's classes at Union. It will be a convenient and welcome meal every once in a while.
I hopped the 1 train to Times Square Station and stopped by TSAC building to rent the room for Sunday. I got to at least say hi to Lewis and Roy, visit with Thom and Carmen and Pepe, and text John Cooper a quick hello. My weekly fix with the peeps at TSAC.
I scooted over to Coffeehouse and had a blast serving with the usual Thursday night gang. I have to confess that I succumbed to temptation for dinner. Usually I am very strong about not eating any contraband when offered food. And believe me it's hard sometimes!!! Well, they had the most deliciously tantalizing liver and onions as an option for dinner. I have to admit that I did eat a small portion. (the last time I had liver, I ended up in the emergency room within a day or two last October) I enjoyed this illegal dinner soooo much. I went home very happy.
As for my health, I've still had daily queasiness and dull pain in my side, but just keep marching along. When I get used to this being the 'norm', I don't remember to be as 'good' as I should. PLEASE continue to PRAY for me in this area.
Friday I served at Clinton and had beans, roasted potatoes and cabbage for lunch. Good girl. Then I walked to Whole Foods to pick up tons of nuts and fruits and veggies that I was out of. I couldn't remember all of the ingredients for a fruit salad that my mom used to make, so I called her from the store. I forgot, until she said my phone was going in and out, that I was underground. I guess I get used to the differences in 'shopping opps' here in the city and get used to the different locations. Anyway, I lugged two very heavy bags of grub home, made the fruit salad and then laid on the sofa for a few hours of rest and reading. Then I took the salad and some french bread over to my friend Erin (Ellis)'s home for dinner and a good game of Scrabble with Danny and Andrew. It was such a nice relaxing evening. The best part was that Erin was feeling much better for the day. I miss seeing her. Please pray for her healing and continued strength.
Saturday I woke up from a wonderful long sleep. This was such a luxury for me because I often wake up 2-3 times each night and read for a short while until I fall back to sleep. I felt sooo refreshed after an uninterrupted night's sleep. I spent a lot of time reading, studying True North, Bible study and Spanish lessons.
Sunday I walked down to Coffeehouse to serve lunch. It was starting to sprinkle, but I wanted to get my exercise in for the day, so I resisted the option to take the bus. We served over 100 people for lunch. That was just about the limit of our food. There was also a local church group who were giving out food on the street in front of Coffeehouse. Lots of hungry people that day!
Alfonso and Myra are Hispanic and are trying to help me practice my Spanish. We spoke almost entirely in Spanish the whole shift. They helped me with words I didn't know, but I surprised myself at the vocabulary hidden in my brain! We discussed my marriage/divorce history, how I came about to be a missionary, the fact that they think I need a husband(!) and other stuff, including naming kitchen equipment, utensils, foods, etc. What a fun time!
I ate baked chicken, plain baked potato and red cabbage for lunch. You would be so proud of me! Even though it is TOTALLY against my nature, I pulled the skin from the chicken. That was a huge moment for me! ha! After Coffeehouse, I stopped by my friend Carol's apartment for a few minutes of chatting and prayer. She has been very sick and it was good to see her. Then off for home and rest before going to back to TSAC for Parable. I walked down a different street than usual and found some interesting things to take pictures of. I'm trying to be more spontaneous with my camera.
Parable last night was a good time of sharing with each other. Very deep, personal and authentic conversation. This is part of what I love about being a small group. We can share about our own walks with God and be there for each other. Also, I got to hold baby Colton most of the evening. He is growing so much, 5 months old now. He fell asleep on my shoulder and it was so wonderful to feel his tiny breath on my neck. He woke up in time to go home. I got my baby fix for the week!
That's about it for these last few days. There have been numerous conversations that God has allowed with different people, but due to privacy I don't tell about them. Just know that He is bringing opps into my path each day to share with people and that I thank Him for that.
I pray that you are finding lots of special moments in your days, too! Share the JOY!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March 25, 2009
I feel like I'm in 'that place' in my life right now, too. Actually, I feel that way a lot. And that's a good way to live. We get so focused on making the parts of our lives 'secure' and 'permanent' that we miss all those blessings God brings in 'each moment'. It's a daily challenge for me to give Him control of all things. (It's my nature to be in control myself.) But that keeps me from taking HIS control for granted.
Yesterday I was waking up for the day and thinking about the appointments I had set up. I was also feeling a little under the weather and hoping to find time for some good study and reading. But I left it up to God to help me feel up to the challenge of the day. Within 30 minutes, I received emails and text messages and the 3 appointments were all rescheduled (due to other people's needs) and I had the day free to stay in, rest, take care of my physical self, read and study. I love having God as my appointment secretary!! He knows exactly what I need and when.
Today I will serve dinner at GCN and then head off to the rescheduled Bible Study at Erin's. It will be great to see Erin and Christi after me being gone and then Erin being gone. It's been a few weeks since we've been together. We're studying 12 Extraordinary Women of the Bible. Each discussion brings out so much as God works in each of our lives in different ways. I'm so thankful for His Word and for Christian sisters to share with. No matter how much you study it, the Bible always has something new to say. It's more than a book of paper and ink. It's a vessel for understanding. A true blessing. Something to treasure, and use!!!
I'm really trying to be good and make healthy choices in my eating. It's fun sometimes and a pain (that it's not as easy as 'regular' food) at other times. Sometimes I get discouraged that I can be very diligent about food, but still have the queasiness and pain in my side. Some days I wish it would just go away. But no matter what, I'm thankful that it reminds me that it's just as important to pay close attention to my spiritual health each day, too.
We take our physical health for granted until we feel discomfort or pain. We take our spiritual health for granted until we run into uncomfortable or painful situations. Good health (both kinds) can help to avoid 'sickness' or at least help us to be more able to get through the 'treatment and recovery' process. The main thing is to listen to the Great Physician for both types of health issues. He created us and He knows what's best for us. The most important thing we can do is to take the time to LISTEN to Him daily. If we're too busy to have time with Him each day, then we're not just busy - we're wrong! And we need to make adjustments! If we don't, we not only end up terminally sick in the end, but we also miss out on the blessings of feeling healthy and robust each day. There's physical power in healthy foods and there is awesome spiritual power in walking close to Him daily.
This brings strength, energy, stamina, peace, happiness and JOY!


I like how they cover Sunday...
Monday, March 23, 2009
March 23, 2009
Saturday I enjoyed a little walk to TSAC to rent the room for Parable worship for this week. It's still chilly out, but I'm liking the chance to get out and walk everyday. I stopped to take a picture and was looking at my camera as I started walking again and I walked right into a street sign. How stupid did I feel??? Later, I banged my head on one of my 2 cabinets in the apartment. I know I say that God sometimes has to hit me up side the head to get my attention, but I still haven't figured out what He wanted on that day...
I got to see Pepe, Roy and Louis at TSAC. It's nice to stay in touch, even if it's just for short visits. I came home and caught up on laundry and worked on my Bible study and did some reading. It was a nice Saturday.
Sunday I got the morning off from serving at Coffeehouse because Jenny and Keith helped serve lunch. I spent some wonderful time on Bible study and reading. My friend Erin came over for a short visit. Then I scurried off in the chilly air to Parable. I'm still in denial that it's okay for the weather to be cold. I WANT SPRING WEATHER! Anyway, we had a good night of discussing Saul/Paul and praying. We all took turns holding baby Colton. He is getting so big! I think he was having a nice time, too. Everyone was wanting to get home, so we didn't go out for dinner afterwards. I did stop in a deli for some hot soup and then headed home. It was kind of weird to be home from church on Sunday night before 10pm! I took advantage of the opportunity and called Nana Ruth for a nice chat.
Today I served lunch at Clinton. The weather is pretty cold today and very windy. I walked so fast to get there! It was fun to be therewith everyone. One of the ladies came back after being sick. As she came in with her walker everyone cheered and clapped. It was nice. Afterwards I jumped on 2 buses to get uptown and crosstown to see Allison and get my hair cut. I love to look at different neighborhoods and see what restaurants and stores are along the streets. Allison was laughing at me when I walked in because she saw me coming down the sidewalk and as I was gawking at buildings I almost walked right past the shop. We chatted about my visit to Arkansas and her upcoming trip to see family.
On my way back to the bus stop I visited a health food store to see what kinds of things they have. I found some wonderful organic baked tortilla chips. I ran by the market on the corner of my block and picked up a few goodies. I came home and made some homemade guacamole which I put on top of some browned ground turkey (an infrequent treat), black beans, black olives, soy sour cream and organic salsa. Yum!! I just love my little Magic Bullet personal blender. It makes the best guacamole and smoothies! Eating organic and fresh can be a pain sometimes, but besides being better for me, food just tastes better! I may have to have some leftovers for a snack later... For now, I'm having fresh strawberries for dessert. Yum.
My sister Pam is home from the hospital now. She is trying to get her body regulated after finding out that she is diabetic. She's had to make a few visits to the hospital. Hopefully, the doctors will get her insulin and other stuff figured out soon. Maybe we all should move to the middle of a farm somewhere and eat organic foods and bask in the sunshine.
I pray that all the people traveling for spring break will be safe and have a good time. I know that the economy has caused some families to stay home instead of going on a trip. That's not a bad thing. I think it's sad that some people find it depressing to have to spend time with each other without the distraction of destinations. One of the good things about the tight economy is that people are rediscovering how fulfilling it can be to just spend time with each other and doing simple things together. I pray that many will find new value in spending time just talking with God. No bells and whistles, just giving of your time and attention. How precious a gift for anyone...
Friday, March 20, 2009
March 20, 2009
It seems that this week has been a long one, physically. I think maybe I was too pampered in Arkansas for almost 2 weeks. I've had to have a rest/nap almost everyday. I think I try to push myself like I'm totally healthy, too. I have to remember to be a better steward of my strength and energy. Being responsible about my physical needs reminds me to be disciplined about my spiritual needs, too. It's another reminder that every single thing in our lives is a gift from God and we should be thankful and careful of them.
It has also felt a little strange going back and forth between life here and downtime back in Rogers. Part of it, I think, is due to the difference in lifestyle and culture. Part of it may be due to a growing and changing perspective on living a life of service. It's kind of an opposite world. Instead of nesting and working toward security and permanency in a home, I'm striving to live as minimal and mobile as possible. It's not a hard way to live and I'm thankful for every little thing. But it is a daily effort to remember that life is about the 'serving' and not the 'having'. For me, it makes it easier for me to see the riches of God in my life. And I'm truly thankful.
Yesterday I spent a lot of time on my Bible study, had a good long nap and then went to serve at Coffeehouse. It's always so much fun to work there. The clients are probably the most interesting and diverse. On Thursday night, the regular crew are joined by some of the crew from Clinton (where I work on Mondays and Fridays). It felt like a party last night when I walked in to the kitchen. I like doing the coffee/tea station because I get to say something to each client. Some are very friendly. With every week, I become more familiar with some of the people. I am inspired by Mrs. Debbie, who I read about in a book entitled "Same Kind of Different As Me". It's a great book about how someone can make a difference in lives just by doing simple things consistently for others. (read it if you get the chance!)
This morning I woke up to snow flurries. Crazy weather! It was in the 30s today, so after the snow quit around 1pm, it was still 'wintry' when I was walking home after my shift. In my mind it is 70s and 80s and very sunny. What a shock to my system to walk outside and into reality! Today was the last day for one of the other volunteers. Martha is so sweet. She will be missed. She's getting a full time job. I did get a picture of me with her. I told her she needs to visit on Mondays and Fridays so that I can see her.
The center was quieter today, due to a large portion of the clients being on a trip to Atlantic City. I bet that bus was hopping!! I met a lady today that I have something in common with. She was also wearing a ring on her thumb. She had on a lot of pretty jewelry, so the ring may be just another pretty thing to wear.
But it made me wonder if I had mentioned my ring. At the beginning of this year, I had a very serious conversation with God and made a commitment to continue to serve Him full time no matter what, in whatever way He decides, wherever He sends me. To celebrate that covenant, I used some Christmas money to buy a silver ring for my thumb. I wear it on my thumb for a couple of reasons... I tend to give the 'thumbs up' sign when things are good. Having the ring there reminds me that God is the giver of all good things, and it helps me remember to thank Him. Also, a long time ago, I had a Christian lapel pin that showed a person in the palm of a large hand. It was to depict Isaiah 49:16 "Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands..." (some translations say 'engraved your name', but I like the word picture of a body instead of a name.) Whenever I have been truly upset and even desolate, I have pictured myself all curled up in the palm of God's hand. Safe and comfy with my arms wrapped around His thumb. That may sound silly, but that is truly how God makes me feel... all safe and totally resting in Him, letting go of everything and just letting Him hold me firmly but softly. So, that's the story of my ring...
You may have noticed that I'm a visual person. I like to have tangible reminders of important things. They bring me Joy!