Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23, 2009

It's Monday already. Time is sure flying by quickly.

Saturday I enjoyed a little walk to TSAC to rent the room for Parable worship for this week. It's still chilly out, but I'm liking the chance to get out and walk everyday. I stopped to take a picture and was looking at my camera as I started walking again and I walked right into a street sign. How stupid did I feel??? Later, I banged my head on one of my 2 cabinets in the apartment. I know I say that God sometimes has to hit me up side the head to get my attention, but I still haven't figured out what He wanted on that day...

I got to see Pepe, Roy and Louis at TSAC. It's nice to stay in touch, even if it's just for short visits. I came home and caught up on laundry and worked on my Bible study and did some reading. It was a nice Saturday.

Sunday I got the morning off from serving at Coffeehouse because Jenny and Keith helped serve lunch. I spent some wonderful time on Bible study and reading. My friend Erin came over for a short visit. Then I scurried off in the chilly air to Parable. I'm still in denial that it's okay for the weather to be cold. I WANT SPRING WEATHER! Anyway, we had a good night of discussing Saul/Paul and praying. We all took turns holding baby Colton. He is getting so big! I think he was having a nice time, too. Everyone was wanting to get home, so we didn't go out for dinner afterwards. I did stop in a deli for some hot soup and then headed home. It was kind of weird to be home from church on Sunday night before 10pm! I took advantage of the opportunity and called Nana Ruth for a nice chat.

Today I served lunch at Clinton. The weather is pretty cold today and very windy. I walked so fast to get there! It was fun to be therewith everyone. One of the ladies came back after being sick. As she came in with her walker everyone cheered and clapped. It was nice. Afterwards I jumped on 2 buses to get uptown and crosstown to see Allison and get my hair cut. I love to look at different neighborhoods and see what restaurants and stores are along the streets. Allison was laughing at me when I walked in because she saw me coming down the sidewalk and as I was gawking at buildings I almost walked right past the shop. We chatted about my visit to Arkansas and her upcoming trip to see family.

On my way back to the bus stop I visited a health food store to see what kinds of things they have. I found some wonderful organic baked tortilla chips. I ran by the market on the corner of my block and picked up a few goodies. I came home and made some homemade guacamole which I put on top of some browned ground turkey (an infrequent treat), black beans, black olives, soy sour cream and organic salsa. Yum!! I just love my little Magic Bullet personal blender. It makes the best guacamole and smoothies! Eating organic and fresh can be a pain sometimes, but besides being better for me, food just tastes better! I may have to have some leftovers for a snack later... For now, I'm having fresh strawberries for dessert. Yum.

My sister Pam is home from the hospital now. She is trying to get her body regulated after finding out that she is diabetic. She's had to make a few visits to the hospital. Hopefully, the doctors will get her insulin and other stuff figured out soon. Maybe we all should move to the middle of a farm somewhere and eat organic foods and bask in the sunshine.

I pray that all the people traveling for spring break will be safe and have a good time. I know that the economy has caused some families to stay home instead of going on a trip. That's not a bad thing. I think it's sad that some people find it depressing to have to spend time with each other without the distraction of destinations. One of the good things about the tight economy is that people are rediscovering how fulfilling it can be to just spend time with each other and doing simple things together. I pray that many will find new value in spending time just talking with God. No bells and whistles, just giving of your time and attention. How precious a gift for anyone...

1 comment:

cindysig said...

What a great post! I could just picture you running your head into things. Goodness, woman! :-)

Your organic foodstuff sounds good. I've been eating better since Maria was here and she was on her Daniel fast. I'm still eating some of those foods. It's hard though, when you've got men living in the house who want "real" food!

I agree with you about the spring break and destinations. It was awesome to see 40 youth turn out this week to work BYBC even if there were way too many for the two clubs! I can't remember when we had that many youth actually in town during spring break!

Hope your day is warmer and fulfilling! Thinking about you!