Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20, 2009

Friday night. Home and settled in for the evening.

It seems that this week has been a long one, physically. I think maybe I was too pampered in Arkansas for almost 2 weeks. I've had to have a rest/nap almost everyday. I think I try to push myself like I'm totally healthy, too. I have to remember to be a better steward of my strength and energy. Being responsible about my physical needs reminds me to be disciplined about my spiritual needs, too. It's another reminder that every single thing in our lives is a gift from God and we should be thankful and careful of them.

It has also felt a little strange going back and forth between life here and downtime back in Rogers. Part of it, I think, is due to the difference in lifestyle and culture. Part of it may be due to a growing and changing perspective on living a life of service. It's kind of an opposite world. Instead of nesting and working toward security and permanency in a home, I'm striving to live as minimal and mobile as possible. It's not a hard way to live and I'm thankful for every little thing. But it is a daily effort to remember that life is about the 'serving' and not the 'having'. For me, it makes it easier for me to see the riches of God in my life. And I'm truly thankful.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time on my Bible study, had a good long nap and then went to serve at Coffeehouse. It's always so much fun to work there. The clients are probably the most interesting and diverse. On Thursday night, the regular crew are joined by some of the crew from Clinton (where I work on Mondays and Fridays). It felt like a party last night when I walked in to the kitchen. I like doing the coffee/tea station because I get to say something to each client. Some are very friendly. With every week, I become more familiar with some of the people. I am inspired by Mrs. Debbie, who I read about in a book entitled "Same Kind of Different As Me". It's a great book about how someone can make a difference in lives just by doing simple things consistently for others. (read it if you get the chance!)

This morning I woke up to snow flurries. Crazy weather! It was in the 30s today, so after the snow quit around 1pm, it was still 'wintry' when I was walking home after my shift. In my mind it is 70s and 80s and very sunny. What a shock to my system to walk outside and into reality! Today was the last day for one of the other volunteers. Martha is so sweet. She will be missed. She's getting a full time job. I did get a picture of me with her. I told her she needs to visit on Mondays and Fridays so that I can see her.

The center was quieter today, due to a large portion of the clients being on a trip to Atlantic City. I bet that bus was hopping!! I met a lady today that I have something in common with. She was also wearing a ring on her thumb. She had on a lot of pretty jewelry, so the ring may be just another pretty thing to wear.

But it made me wonder if I had mentioned my ring. At the beginning of this year, I had a very serious conversation with God and made a commitment to continue to serve Him full time no matter what, in whatever way He decides, wherever He sends me. To celebrate that covenant, I used some Christmas money to buy a silver ring for my thumb. I wear it on my thumb for a couple of reasons... I tend to give the 'thumbs up' sign when things are good. Having the ring there reminds me that God is the giver of all good things, and it helps me remember to thank Him. Also, a long time ago, I had a Christian lapel pin that showed a person in the palm of a large hand. It was to depict Isaiah 49:16 "Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands..." (some translations say 'engraved your name', but I like the word picture of a body instead of a name.) Whenever I have been truly upset and even desolate, I have pictured myself all curled up in the palm of God's hand. Safe and comfy with my arms wrapped around His thumb. That may sound silly, but that is truly how God makes me feel... all safe and totally resting in Him, letting go of everything and just letting Him hold me firmly but softly. So, that's the story of my ring...

You may have noticed that I'm a visual person. I like to have tangible reminders of important things. They bring me Joy!

1 comment:

cindysig said...

I'm glad you told your ring story. You forgot to tell how faithful God was in restoring it to you when it fell off your thumb in Rogers! :-)

You are blessed in the fact that you are able to live a lifestyle of service and relationships. I know there are people who would like to do the same thing but feel restricted by daily requirements or family or just life in general.

While life in NY can be hard, I imagine, how great it is that you have a faithful Father who is sufficient. I'm excited for your life and what you're doing there. :-)
